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Jan 092014


METH DAD‘s Tyler Walker is throwing a “Bring Your Own Projector” party at Boheme Collectif on Wednesday, January 22nd, and he wants you to participate! BYOP is a variation of Bring Your Own Beamer (beamer being slang for projector in Europe), a concept by Rafaël Rozendaal. As the BYOB site says, the idea is simple: Find a place, invite many artists, ask them to bring their projectors. Adan De La Garza threw the first Nashville BYOB in April 2013. Inspired by Adan’s show, I threw another one in September 2013.

Tyler is looking for visual artists to bring their projectors and cover Boheme’s walls, ceilings and floors with unique visual media. The sound on the videos will be muted, so your footage needs to be able to work without a soundtrack. If you’d like to participate, e-mail Tyler at tyler.walker.awesome@gmail.com.

In addition to the projection show, there will be performances by METH DADFine PeduncleChiffonCrayons and Antidotes and The Prophet Nathan.

Doors open at 9 p.m., music at 9:30 p.m. If you’re a Facebook user, you can find out more on the Facebook event page.

Bring Your Own Projector Party
Wednesday, January 22nd, 9 p.m., $5, BYOB (beer AND beamer)

@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave., Suite 8
Nashville, Tennessee 37206