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Mar 252015



Intersection is a new Nashville ensemble that specializes in 20th and 21st century contemporary music, and they’re performing for the first time on Thursday, March 26th. More from the Intersection program notes:

Original choreography, artwork and a stage that blurs the lines between the audience and performers. Transfiguration is Intersection’s debut performance and will redefine the traditional concert experience. Featuring works entirely from contemporary composers, Transfiguration showcases classical music’s next chapter alongside local art organizations New Dialect and Zeitgeist Gallery. And with nineteen musicians from across the nation, the evening is a carefully curated atmosphere that for one night only devotes Nashville’s finest to the craft of avant-garde music and art for listeners of all ages.

Intersection presents Transfiguration
Thursday, March 26th, 7:30 p.m.
@ The Platform, 1500 2nd Ave. South, Nashville, TN 37210