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Nov 062010

[Sorry guys, I just found out this event has been postponed to January 29th.]

Megan Kelley and Open Lot Nashville (home of the Circuit Benders’ Ball) are putting on an extremely innovative art experiment tonight January 29th. Watch as teams create improvised art right in front of your eyes! The portion open to audiences starts at 8pm. Winners will be picked at 9pm. Here’s part of the press release:

Occurring November 6th, 2010 January 29th, 2011, WE WANT YOU to join us for the first Action-Adventure Installation Series: The MacGyver Challenge! For our first episode, we’re asking you to compile a team of your favorite area artists and friends and compete to create a temporary installation worthy of Angus MacGyver himself. Provided with an array of mystery surprise supplies, armed to the teeth with practical artistic knowledge, and cheered on to Art Or Death victory by crowds and judges, each team will rely on their own resourcefulness and theme music in an effort to wrest away The Winning Title!

Show Installation from 6-9 pm
Audience Woo-ing from 8-9 pm
Judging, Tomfoolery, & Such 9-11 pm

Each team is:
* 2 people minimum, 5 people max. Pets and Imaginary Friends don’t count.
* given a 5’ x 5’ square of space in which to install. (The Height is up to you, but no fair cutting holes in the roof.)
* allowed to bring one unique, pre-approved item to use in your installation
* required to submit an Application for Participation prior or on Oct 29th, 2010
* encouraged to develop a super cool name (why not?) and to promote their team to friends who can help cheer them on to win

In order to win, each installation must:

* use at least half of the types of materials provided
* incorporate a unique team-provided item approved in the application
* fit within the 5’ x 5’ square
* be temporary/deconstructable (i.e., no drawing/painting on the floors or walls, etc)
* be judged on merits of inventiveness, interestingness, interactiveness, crowd cheer approval, and Vitamin A

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