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Nov 152014



Nashville composer, oboist, new media artist, and Circuit Benders’ Ball alum Robbie Hunsinger will present an interactive installation at the Frist Center this Sunday. Hunsinger’s website calls it a “Kandinsky-inspired interactive pop-up installation and transmedia composition exploring Synethesia.”

If you can’t make it out Sunday, come back Thursday at 6:30 p.m. for an interactive performance featuring double-bassist Missy Raines. Raines won “Bass Player of the Year” seven times from the International Bluegrass Association, so Thursday will be your chance to see one of Nashville’s most innovative new media artists paired with one of Nashville’s most accomplished musicians. And it’s all free!

While there, don’t miss the retrospective on the world’s most famous (alleged) synesthete, Wassily Kandinsky. The Frist is open until 9 p.m. on Thursdays!

Blue-Yellow-Red, an installation by Robbie Hunsinger
11/16/2014, 1-5 pm:  interactive audiovisual installation exploring synesthesia
11/20/2014, 6:30 pm: performance with Missy Raines
@ Frist Center for the Visual Arts, 919 Broadway, Nashville, Tennessee 37203


Nov 102014


Ok folks, here’s another must-see FMRL Arts show. Paul Metzger is a Minneapolis-based guitar, banjo, violin, and anything-with-strings improviser and instrument maker. Hearing him perform on his modified string instruments is, as FMRL Arts’ says on the Facebook event page, “nothing short of sublime.” Tim Kaiser is a Duluth-based instrument maker, circuit bender, and ambient experimental musician. He last passed through Nashville for the 2014 Circuit Benders’ Ball. Paul and Tim are two of the most creative musicians on the scene, and the opportunities to see them together are rare. The only time they played Nashville on the same bill (that I know of) was a 2012 performance at Noa Noa house on Halloween night. That was one of my favorite shows of my life. Don’t miss this one!

Show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 at door or $8 in advance at FMRLArts.org. Check out the videos below for good introductions to their work.

FMRL Arts presents Paul Metzger & Tim Kaiser
Thursday, November 13th, 2014, 8:00pm, $10
@ Emma Bistro, 11 Lea Avenue, Nashville, TN

Nov 082014


Whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably seen the Fleischer brothers’ Out of the Inkwell cartoons. Most feature the live-action Max Fleischer interacting with Koko the Clown and other hand-drawn creations on the easel. The cartoons were the first to achieve lifelike animation by use of the Rotoscope, a device Max invented. Rotoscoping is still used today in works such as Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly.

This Sunday, VORTEX Percussion will perform a live score to the 1921 Fleischer Studios Out of the Inkwell film Modeling. And that’s not all. From the press release:

It’s mayhem and madness when VORTEX tries to keep up with the ever mischievous Koko the Clown! VORTEX provides musical accompaniment as Koko leaps from the artist’s page and into the three-dimensional human world. Insanity reigns supreme with live action and stop-action animation from 93 years ago! Plus: works for marimba quintet, South American “scrapers”, and two of the world-renowned visual percussion pieces of Mary Ellen Childs.

VORTEX director Michael Holland is the mastermind behind Blair School’s last two major events: the John Cage Celebration and Ballet mécanique performance. If he’s involved, you can rest assured it’s a must see.

John Pitcher writes about the show on ArtsNash.com, and you can also learn more at the Facebook event page . Don’t miss this!

VORTEX percussion & Guests: Joe Donley, Ryan Middagh, Robert Thompson
Sunday, November 9th, 2014, 8 p.m.
Vanderbilt Blair School of Music – Turner Hall


Oct 302014

Calling all hackers, makers, science nerds, and 3D printing enthusiasts! The newly-rebooted PhreakNIC technology conference kicks off today and runs throughout the weekend. Head on over to the con website to register and check the schedule.

Don’t miss Circuit Benders’ Ball participant Arnie Holder (Abandoned On Fire) give a talk on making music with a Gameboy. I’m also excited about tonight’s listening/call-in party for Over the Edge radio’s Halloween episode (hosted by Negativland’s Don Joyce). Other highlights include presentations on planetarium techhow 3d printers will be the death of us all, starting a hackerspace by a Freeside Atlanta member, and confessions of a Black hat hacker by Alex Berta. And then, for the truly adventurous (and/or brave and/or foolhardy), check out panels on DIY nuclear fusion experiments and 3D-printed gunmaking (yikes). 

It all goes down at the Millenium Maxwell House hotel Thursday, October 30th through Sunday November 2nd.

And now, here’s a video from PhreakNIC 13 of a tesla coil playing the theme to the Addams Family.

PhreakNIC 18
October 30th – November 2nd
@  Millenium Maxwell House
2025 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard