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Jan 102015


Panama City extended guitarist Scott Bazar and drummer Charles Pagano will perform a free improv set tonight at Betty’s Grill. Also performing are the duos of Joseph Allred / Matt Johnson and Chris Davis / Brady Sharp. Check the media below. More info on the Facebook event page.

Scott Bazar and Charles Pagano:

Joseph Allred feat. Matt Johnson and Witties Villa:

Chris Davis and Brady Sharp:

A Trio of Duos – Scott Bazar & Charles Pagano, Joseph Allred & Matt Johnson, Chris Davis & Brady Sharp
Saturday, January 10, 2015, 9 p.m., 21+
@Betty’s Grill, 407 49th Ave N, Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Jan 012015

Visual artist, experimental guitarist, and Louisville Experimental Festival founder Douglas Lucas will be performing at Betty’s Grill on Friday, January 2nd. He’s in town to open a solo art show at Fort Houston for Saturday’s Arts & Music @ Wedgewood/Houston. I highly recommend both the Friday performance and the Saturday gallery show. Douglas appeared on a couple Theatre Intangible podcasts — this artist showcase and this live improv.

The Friday Betty’s show also features Lauri McNamara, Chris Davis, and David Russell for, as the Facebook event page states, “a night of ukulele songs and improvisation from at least three cracked eggs.”

Here’s footage from 2012 of Douglas performing as Mu at Noa Noa house:

Douglas Lucas, Chris Davis and David Russell, Lauri McNamara
Friday, January 2nd, 9 p.m., $5
@Betty’s Grill, 407 49th Ave N, Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Dec 172014



Make Music Nashville and percussionist Jesse Strauss are looking for musicians to perform Terry Riley’s seminal composition “In C” on Sunday, December 21st together with artists from around the world. Nashville is one of over 20 cities contributing to A Worldwide Day In C.

The project site has the details:

Consisting of 53 individual repeated cells with no time signature, no instrumentation limitations, and only a small set of instructions, In C’s interlocking repetitive patterns provided a new concept in musical form that was to change the course of 20th century music. Considered the first minimalist composition and perhaps the first truly globalist composition, In C can be played by any number of musicians, in any location in the world, with any musical tradition and instrument type.

Inspired by the communal spirit of Riley’s work and the composition’s 50th anniversary this year, “A Worldwide Day of In C” unites musicians from all over the globe in a day-long celebration of music and community with live-streamed performances occurring throughout the day with a variety of ensembles in over 20 cities around the world.

If I understand correctly, the Nashville group won’t be performing live with the other groups around the world. Each groups plays at an appointed time, and listeners around the world can stream the various ensembles all day. The Nashville performance is set for 5 to 6 p.m.

If you’re interested in participating, apply here. For questions — or if you want to attend the concert but not participate — contactl Jesse at JesseAstrauss@gmail.com.

Nov 152014


FMRL Arts has a great lineup at Emma Bistro tomorrow evening featuring Thollem Electric’s “Howled Ground” and the duo Dylan Simon and Ryan Norris. Here’s the press release:

Thollem Electric’s Howled Ground – solo electronic piano improvisations from acclaimed keyboardist Thollem, a tireless improvising artist who’s recorded and performed for labels like the revived, revered ESP-Disk and with performers ranging from John Dieterich (Deerhoof), Mike Watt (The MInutemen; The Stooges), and Pauline Oliveros.

Simon and Norris (analog modular synthesizer collaboration between Dylan Simon and Ryan Norris)

Advance tickets are available at fmrlarts.org.



Thollem Electric’s Howled Ground with Simon and Norris
Sunday, November 16tth, 8 p.m., $10
@ Emma Bistro, 11 Lea Avenue, Nashville, TN