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May 302011

Michael Hancock from Hearts Of Palm

Theatre Intangible takes a field trip to Cincinnati, Ohio for the inaugural FauxBeAn’t Art Fair: a circuit-bent, ant-themed, music & video festival starring THRIFTSORE BORATORIUM, CMKT4, HEARTS OF PALM, PELZWICK & DINGER, TALKING COMPUTRON, HARDON COLLIDER, MICHAEL UNA, and the father of circuit-bending REED GHAZALA! We play clips from the performances and interview GetLoFi‘s Alex Deeba, UNATRONICS founder Michael Una, Michael Hancock of HEARTS OF PALM, and Nebula Girl, 1/2 Mang, and TheJunkardCatalyst from THRIFTSORE BORATORIUM.


Nearly everyone we interviewed will be at the 4th annual EXPERIMENTAL GARAGE SALE in Chicago, Illinois on June 4th. Some of the most creative instrument-makers are bringing some of their wildest customized gear to sell directly to you. EGS features performances by the sellers, hands-on demos, and the coolest garage sale this side of Narnia. I grew so excited after talking with builders Alex Deeba, Michael Una, and Thriftsore Boratorium that I decided to splurge on a plane ticket and attend! And don’t worry. I’ll bring my trusty field recorder for a future T.I. episode.

The full sets in high-quality MP3: (Right-click and “save as” or follow to stream.)

Talking Computron
Thriftsore Boratorium
Hearts of Palm
Pelzwick & Dinger
Hardon Collider

(Zip file of all 5 sets.)

Mentioned in this episode: Tim Kaiser, Hive13 Hackerspace, Art Damage, Mother/Daughter Crime Team, The Circuit Benders’ Ball. As always, if you like the show, tell a friend or leave us feedback on iTunes.

“The FauxBeAn’t Art Fair took place in March of 2011 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Check out the podcast about the event at http://www.theatreintangible.com”

From FauxBeAn’t Art Fair, posted by Tony Youngblood on 5/31/2011 (24 items)

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May 092011

Mark Snyder live at Zeitgeist Indeterminacies. Photo by Andrew Davis.

Podcast 58 features composer and University of North Alabama professor MARK SNYDER live at Zeitgeist Gallery on April 12th as a part of their Indeterminacies series. Jonathan Marx was the discussion moderator. Tommy Stangroom live-mixed and recorded the show. He did a fantastic job!

Special thanks to Mark, Jonathan, Lesley Beeman, Lain York, the performers, and all the Zeitgeist audience members. Very special thanks to Tommy Stangroom. Photo by Andrew Davis. You can check out more of his pictures from the performance on the Facebook Indeterminacies page.

In partnership with Zeitgeist Gallery, Theatre Intangible is recording and releasing future Indeterminacies shows. Next up is MARK VOLKER live at Zeitgest, May 10th at 6pm. Hope to see you there! You can hear the first part in the series with composer STAN LINK here.

Theatre Intangible interviewed Zeitgeist Gallery about the Indeterminacies series, experimental art, how they book shows, and more. Read the interview here.

If you like the show, tell a friend or write us a review in iTunes.

Apr 062011

Ever wonder what it was like in the rough and tumble late nineties? Step into the time machine in this WIDB-era Prefab Audio Extrapolation and learn about the trends gripping America’s youth. Like pork*.

* This show sponsored by The Pork Growers of America.

Starring DaveX, Tony Youngblood, Mike Hackett, Tom Denney, and a bunch of other people I can’t remember at the moment. Features probably my favorite moment of any WIDB show — Mike Hackett’s rap. And the most annoying-yet-endearing moment in any episode period — my brother Wes Youngblood’s timeless ditty Hog Farm. He used to come in my bedroom early in the morning and wake me up with it.

Mar 272011

Philadelphia noise band FUN (Mat Rademan & Jonny Wray) team up with local circuit-guru Derek Schartung (Malocchio) for two very different improvs. On the first, FUN plays hydrophones submerged in water, contact mics, grunts, groans, and several timbres impossible to chart. Derek plays saxophone, balloon, and more. On the second improv, local artists Eamon Tewell and Ren join the three, each armed with an AM/FM radio.

FUN and Malocchio are playing Betty’s Bar and Grill Sunday, March 27th around 8pm. They’re joined by Abiku, Unicorn Hard-On, Malocchio, Creepy Shits, and Ryan Norris. More details at the Facebook event page.

Mat runs the label Breathmint Records. Jonny hosts the experimental music podcast Z Radio, a kindred spirit of T.I.

If you like the show, tell a friend or leave us feedback on iTunes.

“Theatre Intangible FUN Artist Showcase. Podcast available at http://www.theatreintangible.com/e056-fun-artist-showcase/”

From Theatre Intangible FUN Artist Showcase, posted by Tony Youngblood on 3/27/2011 (24 items)

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