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Oct 162010

Because of a week-long work trip, I wasn’t able to post this episode last Sunday. Never fear though, for another Halloweird! October episode is coming tomorrow evening!

“For the love of beauty is a deep-seated urge which dates back to the beginning of civilization” Freaks opening disclaimer

For episode 36, we created an improvised score to Tod Browning’s 1932 horror film Freaks. The episode stars Ken Soper on Moog synthesizers; Tommy Stangroom on percussion and xylophone; JJ Jones on voice and various toys/chimes; Lawrence Crow on Theremin, Casio SK1, and various toys; Cody Bottoms on laptop, keyboards, and Korg sample pad, and Craig Schenker on saxophone. There are quite a few golden moments in our Freaks soundtrack, and I encourage you to sync the soundtack to the film. Be sure to mute the tv and turn the subtitles on! Syncing instructions in the podcast intro.

We recorded this improv on Thursday, October 7th. Directly after, we recorded an “80’s synth pop” soundtrack to a beloved horror classic. Find out what that film is when we release podcast 37 tomorrow night.

Halloweird October!

Oct 032010

Kicking off Theatre Intangible Halloweird! October is the 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza, a WRVU podcast broadcast around Halloween 2008. To prepare for this show, we sent out cheap digital recorders with T.I. correspondents to capture their Halloween nights. We assembled the recordings and met at WRVU to improv around them. I sprained my ankle pretty fierce right before Halloween; thus, my recording featured me at my house, complaining about not being able to go out. When we taped the show at WRVU, I hobbled around on crutches, in some serious pain but high on the magic going down.

The 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza features Cody Bottoms, Brey McCoy, Lawrence Crow, and Charlie Rauh. The field correspondents were Paul Cain, Cody Bottoms, Richard Harper, Wes White, and myself.

If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us feedback on iTunes.

Subscribe via iTunes.

Sep 262010

Tonight’s podcast is one from the WRVU vaults: Parasites, an ambitious episode starring a whopping eight participants. Four played their instruments and four leeched off of these instruments and manipulated them. Each maker was paired with a manipulator. Acoustic guitarist and clarinet player Charlie Rauh got pirated by laptop-armed Lawrence Crow. Anthony William Herndon played his modified keyboard while John Marshall leached his signal with rack mounted effects. Jamison Sevitts’s trumpet was manipulated by Pete from CIA and his nest of pedals. Brey Mcoy played various wind instruments while Chris Murray hacked in with his sampling pad.  I did the live mixing and mastering. You’ll hear this episode in its glorious full length. I didn’t have time to cut it down because I’ve been busy planning the 1st Annual Circuit Benders Ball and Theatre Intangible Halloweird October.

What’s Halloweird October you ask? For the entire month of October, we’re bringing you five special Halloween podcasts, including a new horror movie soundtrack, the Halloween Extravagana volume 1 from 2008, and the all new Halloween Extravaganza Volume 3. The fun starts next week. To prepare yourself, be sure and check out the previously broadcast Halloween Extravaganza Volume 2 and the Dracula Improv.

If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us feedback on iTunes. And now, Parasites.

Subscribe via iTunes.

Sep 192010

Big Rig Jig Sculpture at Burning Man 2007

Highways Stars was recorded on Friday, September 17th and features John Bohannon from New York City’s Ancient Ocean and Justin Wright from Kansas City’s Expo 70. John plays guitar. Justin plays guitar and Moog synthesizer. This performance was the first time John and Justin ever met, much less played together. Nashville is the first stop on their 2010 tour. If they’re coming to a town near you, do yourself a favor and check them out. It’s a pretty fantastic live show.

If you like our show, share it with a friend or write us a review in iTunes. Enjoy.

Expo 70 / Ancient Ocean 2010 Tour:

Sep 19 2010 – Pilot Light – Knoxville, TN
Sep 20 2010- TBA w/ Andrew Weathers – Greensboro, NC
Sep 21 2010 – The-Bridge – Charlottesville, VA
Sep 21 2010 – The-Bridge – Charlottesville, VA
Sep 22 2010 – Sonic Circuits Festival w/ Keith Fullerton Whitman, and Li Tiegiao – Washington, D.C.
Sep 24 2010 – Highwire Gallery with MV/EE – Philadelphia, PA
Sep 25 2010 – Death By Audio – Brooklyn, NY
Sep 28 2010 – AS220 – Providence, Rhode Island