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May 032013

Ypsmael live at Noa Noa

Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 98: Ypsmael and Lawrence Crow Artist Showcase.

These two solo performances were recorded August 5th, 2012 for a show also featuring T.J. Borden and Steven Dunning. Episode 97 featured those performances.

Ypsmael is an electroacoustic improviser and performance artist currently based in Munich. He uses stompboxes and a blend of baritone guitars and other instruments, voice, amplified objects, DIY electronics, field recordings and no-input feedback to create hazy drone swells, noise washes, audio detritus and subtly unfolding textures. All sounds are generated and processed live.

Frequent Theatre Intangible collaborator Lawrence Crow makes abstract electronic improv music using open source programming such as Supercollider and PureData. This marks his twelfth appearance on the podcast.

Lawrence’s set starts off the podcast, and Ypsmeal’s takes over at 17:55.

Thanks for listening!

May 032013
T.J. Borden. Photo by Jung | Media.

T.J. Borden. Photo by Jung | Media.

Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 97: T.J. Borden and Steven Dunning artist showcase.

These two solo performances were recorded August 5th, 2012 for a show also featuring Ypsmael and Lawrence Crow. Episode 98 will feature those performances.

Buffalo, New York experimental cellist and composer T.J. Borden has worked with artists such as Tony Conrad, Steven Mackey, Jack Wright, Thomas Helton, Evan Lipson, and DJ Spooky. He’s also a member of Wooden Cities, a
Buffalo-based new music collective of musicians dedicated to performing the work of emerging and underrepresented composers.

A native of Buffalo, Steven Dunning is a Nashville-based violinist who has performed with the Huntsville Symphony, the Amherst Chamber Ensembles, and Country Music Hall-of-Famer Ray Price. He last appeared on Theatre Intangible episode 81: Ghost in the Hollow. Thanks for listening!


Nov 272012

Concurrence (Paul Horton and Greg Bryant) live on Theatre Intangible.

I’m proud to present Theatre Intangible podcast 92: Concurrence Artist Showcase!

Concurrence is a Nashville jazz improv duo, featuring bassist Greg Bryant and pianist Paul Horton. Greg and Paul are key players in the Nashville jazz and improvisation communities. Greg is one of the organizers of Improv Undergound, a monthly Nashville concert series dedicated to jazz and improvisational music. The series is currently on break, but Greg hopes to bring it back in 2013. Concurrence is gearing up for several live appearances in 2013. I’ll post the dates when they’re announced. You can hear more of Concurrence on their Bandcamp page.

We recorded this episode on November 13th, 2012 in my basement studio. Greg plays bass and percussion. Paul plays Nord Stage 2 keyboard, melodica, samples, and percussion. I mixed live to stereo on a Marantz digital field recorder and mastered the recording in Wavelab 7.

It was an honor to work with Concurrence and to witness the creation of the improvised set you’re about to hear. For more info, check the show notes at theatreintangible.com. And now, here is episode 92: Concurrence Artist Showcase.

Sep 072012

Trevor Watts & Veryan Weston live in Vancouver, July 3, 2011. Photo by Peter Gannushkin.

On today’s podcast, I’m incredibly excited to have legendary British free jazz pioneers Trevor Watts and Veryan Weston!

Saxophonist Trevor Watts, along with drummer John Stevens, is co-founder of the Spontaneous Music Ensemble, a loosely-knit group of free improvisers first assembled in London in the mid-60’s. The SME’s influence in the avant garde and free improv communities cannot be overstated. Members at various times include Evan Parker, Derek Bailey, Peter Kowald, John Butcher, Julie Tippetts, Robert Calvert, Kenny Wheeler, Roger Smith, Nigel Coombes, Maggie Nichols, Colin Wood, Dave Holland, Barry Guy, and Kent Carter. In addition to his work in the SME, Trevor formed the groups Amalgam and Moiré Music ensemble and has performed with jazz greats such as Steve Lacy, Don Cherry, and Archie Shepp.

Pianist Veryan Weston performed with Trevor Watts in Moiré Music and on the duet album 6 Dialogues. He’s also played with the Eddie Prévost Quartet, Lol Coxhill, Phil Minton, and John Butcher.

On Friday, July 13th, 2012, Watts and Weston performed together at the Downtown Presbyterian Church in Nashville. It was a phenomenal experience. Trevor and Veryan very kindly gave me permission to record and release the performance, and that’s what you’re about to hear.

I recorded the show with two Shure SM58 Beta vocal microphones hard panned left/right, mounted high on mic stands placed in the second pew of the Chapel. The mics went directly into a Marantz digital field recorder. The room’s natural reverb sounds just about right two pews from the performers.

In post, I added a light amount of compression, turned up the left channel a little, edited out pauses between songs, and that’s about it.

Without further ado, here’s Trevor Watts and Veryan Weston live at the Downtown Presbyterian Church in Nashville. Enjoy!