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Sep 022011

Dylan Simon, Ken Soper, Tony Youngblood

Ken Soper and Dylan Simon make analog synthesizer music . . . WITH THEIR MINDS!!!

Sabine Schlunk from Gallery F asked me to curate the music portion for the August 27th opening reception of the exhibition Figure 1: Scientists and Artists Picture the Intangible. The T.I. crew ended up doing a total of three improvs (the second, a jazz love letter to the planets helmed by Jamison Sevitts; the third, an ode to art and the philosophy of George Braque directed by Craig Schenker).

The first was “Brainwaves,” a collaboration between KEN SOPER, DYLAN SIMON, and myself. Ken has been experimenting with a Teletron — Robert Schneider’s hacked Mindflex toy that outputs one’s thoughts to control voltage. He put on a phenomenal proof-of-concept set at the Tim Kaiser Noa Noa house show earlier this year. For this performance, we decided to use TWO Teletrons. I very hastily hacked the one that’s been lying in my basement for a year, and Dylan Simon took the controls. The result is a visual and auditory experiment-gone-right. Enjoy.

Watch the below clip for a great introduction by Ken Soper. Stay tuned for podcasts of the night’s other two improvs.