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Apr 302013
John Latartara Indeterminacies. Photo by Kim Sherman.

John Latartara Indeterminacies. Photo by Kim Sherman.

Here’s episode 95: John Latartara Indeterminacies, recorded November 8th, 2011 at Zeitgeist Gallery in Nashville, TN as a part of their Indeterminacies series.

Indeterminacies is a series of performances organized by Zeitgeist Gallery‘s Lesley Beeman and Lain York. It’s based on John Cage’s idea about creating processes with no predetermined outcome, welcoming the unexpected and learning from the accidental.

John Latartara is associate professor of music theory and music technology at the University of Mississippi and a composer who specializes in the use of computer technology to create music. He has music released on the Centaur, Sachimay, and Visceral Media record labels.

The piece he performed at Zeitgeist deals with the issues of God, Transience, and Death. John combined interviews he conducted and otherworldly-sounds generated on his laptop. You can see an excerpt of the performance in the video below. The piece is the basis for a new album he’s currently working on. During the performance, John projected video art by his college at Ole Miss, Brooke White. Thanks for listening!