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Oct 042012
Robbie Hunsinger

Robbie Hunsinger

I don’t know how Soundcrawl director and co-founder Kyle Baker does it. I have enough trouble organizing a one day festival. Soundcrawl 2012’s schedule spans five continuous days! And every single event is a major attraction for lovers of sound art and avant garde music.

As the Soundcrawl home page states, “Soundcrawl is a sound art and new media organization presenting works by best and brightest new media artists and composers in a unique ‘opt in’ gallery format. Since 2009 we’ve received 450+ works by 90 composers in 43 countries on 6 continents, and presented 72 to audiences in Nashville, Tennessee.”

Check out our 2011 interview with Kyle Baker. The really cool thing about Soundcrawl is that it’s interlocked with the October 6th First Saturday Art Crawl. As you roam from gallery to gallery, you’ll discover sound stations playing Soundcrawl official selections.

But this year, that’s just the beginning. Here’s the schedule of events:

Saturday Oct 6th

First Saturday Art Crawl, 6-8pm The Arcade

Tracy Silverman, 9:30pm Brick Factory

Sunday Oct 7th

 Soundcrawl: Art of the Future, 5PM – 8PM

Monday Oct 8th

Soundcrawl Presents Benton-C Bainbridge & Tony Youngblood,  7PM

Tuesday Oct 9th

Soundcrawl Presents Tim Hinck, 7PM – 9PM

Wednesday Oct 10th

Soundcrawl Presents Robbie Lynn Hunsinger,  7PM – 9PM

I’m really looking forward to Robbie Hunsinger‘s performance. The Facebook event page states, “This concert will feature opportunities for audience participation along with several premieres: a duet for arduino and soprano sax, a composition for alto sax and vocoder, and a multimedia composition for two English Horns and Bass. This last piece is her third project in a multimedia series based on source material captured from a canoe in Ebenezer Creek, an eerie, historic black water swamp in Georgia. This will be Hunsinger’s first composition for multiple player interactive multimedia and each player will independently control imagery in real-time.”


There’s also video artist Benton C Bainbridge‘s collaboration with some young ruffian. 😉

That event’s Facebook event page states, “An evening of FastMappin’; wherein video artist extrodinaire Benton-C will map projections onto what you bring while Tony Youngblood provides mind-expanding musical accompaniment. Put it in the Beam and Benton-C will Map it.” Guaranteed fun.

There’s also electric violinist extraordinaire Tracy Silverman (whom Terry Riley liked so much he wrote a symphony for), digital media manipulator Tim Hinck, and the carnivalesque symposium known as Art of the Future:

Grab your interesting friends and head down to downtown for a great night of sounds and wonders as Soundcrawl presents Art of the Future, an eclectic mix of live performances and innovative media installations in a carnival atmosphere.  Stroll through cutting edge new media from 5 until 8pm: interact with a video, listen to sound art from a world away,  tweak the knobs on a sound sculpture, lose yourself in an electric haze of sound from accomplished performers, take in new visual art, experience what’s possible when imagination and technology mix.

Every event except the Art Crawl is happening at my favorite Nashville creative space Brick Factory Nashville. Don’t miss it!

Joe Nolan wrote a great SoundCrawl preview over at the Nashville Scene.

Brick Factory Nashville
(Inside Cummins Station)
Suite 126
209 10th Ave South
Nashville, TN 37203

Apr 042011

Robbie Hunsinger live at Betty's

Here are some images from April 2nd’s Betty’s concert, featuring Robbie Hunsinger, Prince Howard (William Davis), and Adventure Bomb (my new solo project.) Craig Schenker played sax on the first two sets. I recorded my set, but unfortunately, the recording is clippy and unusable. 🙁

Special thanks to Tommy for taking all the pics of Prince Howard and me!


Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher

Mar 292011

Robbie Hunsinger Self Portrait captured by a hacked Xbox Kinect

I’m excited to announce a very special show taking place Saturday, April 2nd at Betty’s Bar & Grill. ROBBIE HUNSINGER will be performing an interactive audio/video set using a hacked Xbox Kinect, wi-mote, oboe, Chinese oboe, and soprano sax. Here’s a clip from her performance at last year’s Circuit Benders Ball:


William Davis from Oh No It’s Howard will be premiering a brand new setup as PRINCE HOWARD. His new project is a departure from the Venetian-Snares-influenced Oh No It’s Howard and is best described as noise-dub. CRAIG SCHENKER (Square People) will be sitting in with both artists.

And finally, I’ll be unveiling my brand new experimental Scoop and Loop solo project ADVENTURE BOMB. Scoop and Loop is a term of my own invention. The definition might be, “capturing sounds from the immediate vicinity, scooping sections, and building loops.” The idea is to sample the other bands, the audience, and the environment; throw it all in the air; and build something on the fly. I use cd turntables, loop pedals, and various effects. The project is partially inspired by the pioneering film makers who would travel from town to town and make a movie in a week, using local people and landmarks. They would screen the film for the townsfolk, take donations (and advertising revenues), and then do it all over again for the next town. ADVENTURE BOMB is like that, except with sound. To give you an idea, check out previous Scoop & Loop improvs WRITING HOME, IONIZE, and PIT OF ROAR.

I’ve performed an experimental set a few times in the past, but this is the first time I’m using the moniker ADVENTURE BOMB. It could be disastrous. It could be pretty cool. Come to Betty’s this Saturday to find out!

If you’re thinking of going, sign up on the Facebook event page.

9pm, Saturday, April 2nd, no cover
Betty’s Bar & Grill, 407 49th Avenue North, Nashville, TN
Robbie Hunsinger
Prince Howard (William Davis)
Adventure Bomb (Tony Youngblood)