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Oct 012013
Fort Houston's swanky Replicator 2 3D printer

Fort Houston’s swanky Replicator 2 3D printer

The Wedgewood/Houston makerspace and community workshop Fort Houston recently acquired a Makerbot Replicator 2 3D printer. That’s perfect timing for Greg Pond’s 3D printing workshops Sunday, October 6th at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Space is limited, so reserve your spot soon! From the Fort Houston site:

3D Modeling and Printing Class

  • Price: $130.00
  • Date/Time: October 6, 2013,  10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

For more information on the instructor, please visit http://gregpond.net/.

This class will provide the foundations for using SketchUp CAD software to generate 3D models that can be printed on a Makerbot 3D printer. We will begin by learning to design 3D models in SketchUp, providing an overview of the basic tools, best practices for design and how to install program extensions called plugins. The second half of the class will focus on techniques for drawing models in SketchUp that can be output as physical plastic model. We will work through a series of exercises that will yield 3D prints for you to keep.

Materials and Costs associated with putting on the class:

Participants need to bring their own laptops with SketchUp installed.

Beginner level course, no experience necessary.

3D Modeling and Printing Open Lab

  • Price: $30.00
  • Date/Time: October 6th, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

This session is open to anyone who has some basic experience making 3D models in any CAD software who wants to learn how to or refine their models for export and 3D printing. We will share projects, ideas and questions as well as work on individual projects. Participants should bring their own laptop computer with the CAD software of choice. This session is designed for those who have a working knowledge of their CAD software such as SketchUp, Rhino, SolidWorks, or Meshlab and want assistance with designing and refining objects for 3D printing. We will print objects from participants or demonstration models during this session.

Oct 012013


Cult Fiction Underground is a wonderful grindhouse movie series at Logue’s Black Raven Emporium. Every event they put on is worth posting about, but I wanted to call special attention to the Ed Wood Extravaganza — partly because I have a special place in my heart for Ed Wood‘s “let’s make a movie!’ enthusiasm and partly because the organizer Chaice Alexander (of Boheme Collectif) needs your help. More on the latter in a moment.

Here are the details from the Facebook event page:

The Ed Wood Extravaganza and Unconvincing Drag Contest:

Celebrating the almost 90th anniversary of the birth of Cult-Film Maker, artist, and auteur Ed Wood, Cult Fiction Underground will be hosting a retrospective of his storied works and career. There will be UFOs, vampires, and angora sweaters.

In the evening an unconvincing drag contest will be held: So guys, get out your finest dresses, ladies find that construction helmet and your coveralls. And guys since this will be an unconvincing drag contest you won’t even have to shave those beards.

The winner will receive a canned meat product or a vegan friendly head of lettuce.

Costumes are welcome: Vampira, Bela Lugosi, and any assorted martian, monster, or freak. And don’t be shy about it – wear your very best angora.

They had me at “retrospective of his works.” The list of films hasn’t been announced yet, but come on, EVERY Ed Wood film is a treat.

Want to participate? Chaice needs your help to make this event a success. Channel Ed Wood’s enthusiasm, and let’s put on a show!

Here is Chaice’s call for volunteers. If you’re interested, send him a Facebook message.


In the coming weeks, I will be looking for SEVERAL able bodied, talented and creative people to join me on stage for The Ed Wood Extravaganza and Unconvincing Drag Contest! in NASHVILLE, TN. I am hosting and directing some of the performances for that night. The following positions need to be filled ASAP and if you are interested but can’t find an interest listed, contact me regardless! I might just need you! These positions are UNPAID (other than the tips you might get stuffed into your undies c;) and are just for people looking to express themselves and to make the crowd before you feel just as included as you. In no particular order…

  • DJS
  • BOYPIGS & BEARS (You know who you are. Haha.)
  • LIGHT WORKERS (Into projectors, UV, neons & smoke machines? This is for you!)
  • SPIRITUAL & HEALING INDIVIDUALS (Because you guys can only do good in such a likely chaotic environment of creativity.)


Let me know A.S.A.P.

Ed Wood Extravaganza and an Unconvincing Drag Show
Saturday, October 5th, 2013, doors at 6pm, $5

@ Cult Fiction Underground @ Logue’s Black Raven Emporium
2915 Gallatin Pike
Nashville, Tennessee 37216


Sep 272013


If you catch the 7 p.m. Joo Won Park Indeterminacies show at Zeitgeist, you should have plenty of time to make it to Boheme Collectif at 9 p.m. for Mike Kluge’s latest installment of Future Night, an experimental art and music showcase.

Mike Kluge (my partner for ON/OFF @ Arts & Music @ Wedgewood/Houston) curates a Future Night every other month at Boheme Collectif. The shows feature wonderful bands and amazing interactive art installations. Check the below video to see some of the art featured at the previous Future Night.

This round features music from Circuit Benders’ Ball alum Brain Lesion (Andrew Morrill) as well as Linear DownfallMeth DadRoboctopus and DotcomDigDeep LightShow will provide real-time overhead-projector visuals.

Boheme Collectif will be filled with art installations from Tyler BlankenshipZach Adams (CMKT4), Rhendi GreenwellRussell WhiteBrains Bailey, and Morgan Higby-Flowers.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Future Night
Friday, September 27th, 9 p.m., $5, byob

@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave., Suite 8
Nashville, Tennessee 37206

Sep 272013


There are TWO must-see shows tonight in Nashville, TN. At 7 p.m. at Zeitgeist Gallery, Joo Won Park will foley everyday objects like bananas and spatulas and process the sounds through the real-time audio synthesis program SuperCollider. At 9 p.m., Boheme Collectif will host the latest installment of the experimental/electronic art and music showcase Future Night. More on the latter in the next post.

I’ve been incredibly excited about the Joo Won Park Indeterminacies show ever since Zeitgeist’s Lesley Beeman turned me on to the artist’s YouTube channel a few months back. Check out the below videos to get an idea of what exactly Joo Won does.

Indeterminacies is a series of performances organized by Lesley Beeman and Lain York. It’s based on John Cage’s idea about creating processes with no predetermined outcome, welcoming the unexpected and learning from the accidental.

Here’s the description from the Facebook event page:

Joo Won Park (b.1980) wants to make everyday sound beautiful and strange so that everyday becomes beautiful and strange. He performs live with toys, kitchenware, vegetables, umbrellas, and other non-musical objects by digitally processing their sounds. He also produces pieces made with with field recordings, sine waves, and any other sources that he can record or synthesize. Joo Won draws inspirations from listening Florida swamps, Philadelphia skyscrapers, his 2-year-old son’s play, and other soundscapes surrounding him. He has studied in Berklee College of Music and the University of Florida, and currently serves as an assistant professor of music at the Community College of Philadelphia. Joo Won’s music and writings are available on ICMC DVD, Spectrum Press, MIT Press, and PARMA recording.

John Latartara was the very first performer signed up for Indeterminacies. (Theatre Intangible recorded it. That podcast is available here.) He’s coming back to moderate the discussion portion of the program.

As always this event is free and open to adventurous and inquisitive people.

Saturday morning, Joo Won will teach two FREE workshops at Fort Houston (organized by Zeitgeist Gallery). Here are the details:

Composing Soundscapes

Free Event
September 28, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

“This class is for musicians, non-musicians, tech-savvy and luddite alike. You will learn the fundamentals of composing music using sampled sound from the environment. Materials: Bring a recording device (portable recorder, phone, laptop, or what have you) and a playback device with good speakers. Leave your preconceptions at home.”

Intro to Music Coding with SuperCollider

Free Event
September 28, 2013, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

“In this workshop/demo, instructor Joo Won Park will go over the basics of coding sound with SuperCollider. SuperCollider is one of the most powerful and versatile sound synthesis freeware available for electronic music composers. It is a tool to understand fundamental digital signal processing techniques as well as a platform to experiment with new compositional and synthesis ideas. SuperCollider can be used to build interactive performance systems and generate algorithmic compositions. To get the maximum benefit from the workshop, please download SuperCollider at www.audiosynth.com to your laptop. The program is available for PC, Mac, and Linux. This class is for electronic musicians, sound artists, music-oriented programmers, and music technology enthusiasts.”

Reserve your spot at the workshops at the Fort Houston classes page.

Indeterminacies: Joo Won Park with John Latartara
Friday, September 27th, 2013, 7 p.m., free show

@ Zeitgeist Gallery
516 Hagan Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37203