People always ask me, “Tony, where can I find good experimental theatre / performance art / variety show / summer camp olympics / audience participation / unicorn-fixated / candy corn raining / dance parties?”
Until today, my stock answer was upturned hands, a shrug and, “Santa’s Pub?”
Now I’m happy to report, the dearth of options has been … un-dearthed! Enter “You’re a Winner,” an interactive performance art piece in the backyard of Noa Noa, Friday and Saturday, July 26th and 27th at 8:30 pm. Two shows only.
What is it? Honestly, you’ll have to come to find out, but the teaser video at the end of this post and this press release offer a few clues:
Do you like unicorns? If you answered “yes”, “maybe,” or “no,” then this is an evening for you!
Come explore what it takes to win in this interactive performance experience! There will be sequins, prizes, Nirvana music, sitting, unicorns, and SO MUCH MORE….
1-Yourself and a few friends
2-Your positive winning attitude
3-Something to drink
4-A blanket or a chair
5-Bug Spray
6-Monetary Donations if you got ’em
(Suggested Donation is $5)
The Co-Creators:
William Stewart Ladd is a WINNER at cleaning toilets, drinking soy milk, and gluing sequins onto everything.
Erin Christian Law is a WINNER at eating spinach, vacuuming, and reading instruction booklets.
Tyler Kassidy O’dneal is a WINNER at brushing her teeth, using the internet, and twerking.
More info on the Facebook event pages. (Friday night here, Saturday night here.)
You’re a Winner
Friday, July 26th & Saturday, July 27th, 8:30pm (doors), 9:00pm (show)
Suggested donation of $5
@ Noa Noa (come to back porch)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
BYOB. Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.