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Aug 082013

Quiet Entertainer

Electronic, hip-hop and ambient music-maker Quiet Entertainer is throwing a cd release party at Cafe Coco this Friday. You may have seen him perform at Boheme Collectif’s Future Night, the Exit/In stage, one of many Mashville DJ showcases or Noa Noa house. He’s one of the most talented musicians in Nashville, and we hope to one day get him on a Theatre Intangible improv.

The bill also features Spoken Nerd, Last of the Horsemen, Out of Place and Rally+Don Cruso.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Quiet Entertainer CD Release Party
Friday, August 9th, 8pm (doors), $5
@ Cafe Coco
210 Louise Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

Aug 012013


The Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood is kicking off a new monthly art crawl, beginning Saturday, August 3rd from 5:30pm to 11pm. I’m teaming up with Mike Kluge (Future Night at Boheme Collectif) to curate an electronic art exhibition at the SNAP Center called “ON/OFF.”

The art community centered around Chestnut Street (near Greer Stadium) has long been one of Nashville’s best kept secrets. The Saturday art crawl is a great opportunity to tour wonderful spaces such as music producer Lonie John Hutchin’s new Cleft Studios, world famous Infinity Cat Records, community makerspace Fort Houston, and galleries such as Ground Floor Gallery, Ovvio Arte, Seed Space, Track One and Zeitgeist Gallery.

For our ON/OFF exhibition at SNAP Center, Mike and I called upon members of the circuit bending and electronic music and art communities to show off  interactive installations, reactive video, sound sculptures, flashing lights and things that go buzz.

There will be two live performances. At 7pm and 9pm, artist David Wright LaGrone will perform live dynamic video art with guitar pedals and the Hard Soft Synth 3jb, an innovative lo-fi video synthesizer from Bleep Labs.  At 8pm and 10pm, artist and Watkins professor Morgan Higby Flowers will perform realtime audio visuals using a no-input system. The output ranges from dirt-filthy, loud, and stroboscopic to soft, rhyth-matic NTSC rivers.

The participating artists include:

  • Zach Adams
  • Brains Bailey
  • Benton Bainbridge
  • Lawrence Crow
  • Josh Gumiela
  • Linda Heck
  • Morgan Higby-Flowers
  • David Wright LaGrone
  • Andrew Morill
  • Adrienne Outlaw
  • Luke Rainey
  • Stan Richardson
  • Liz Clayton Scofield
  • Derek Schartung
  • Russell White

(Artist list is subject to change.)

This should be a fun show! Check out previews of Adrienne Outlaw‘s and Zach Adams‘ works below.

And be sure to check out all the other great gallery exhibits.

More info on the Facebook event page.

ON/OFF Electronic Art Exhibition (Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl) Saturday, August 3rd, 5:30-11pm, FREE, all ages

@ SNAP Center 1224 Martin St, Nashville, TN 37203

Parking locations: 516 Hagan St. 37203 500 Houston St. 37203 427 Chesnut St. 37203

This article was adapted from my guest post at Nashville Arts Magazine.

Aug 012013


My roommate Tommy put together a great lineup for this Noa Noa house show Friday, August 2nd at 9pm.

There’s Athens, Georgia band Mans Trash, the new thing from Mercer West, a prolific musician who last played Noa Noa with Bird Names.

Then there’s Christ, Lord;  a violin, accordion, stand-up bass, trumpet, percussion six-piece from Atlanta.

Plus Roman Polanski’s Baby, a three-piece Murfreesboro punk band.

And the ever-wonderful Renee Louis Carafice, making her third Noa Noa appearance. I still believe she has one of the greatest voices in Nashville.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Mans Trash, Christ Lord, Roman Polanski’s Baby, Renee Louise Carafice
Friday, August 2nd, 9pm, $5, byob

@Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.

Jul 262013


People always ask me, “Tony, where can I find good experimental theatre / performance art / variety show / summer camp olympics / audience participation / unicorn-fixated / candy corn raining / dance parties?”

Until today, my stock answer was upturned hands, a shrug and, “Santa’s Pub?”

Now I’m happy to report, the dearth of options has been … un-dearthed! Enter “You’re a Winner,” an interactive performance art piece in the backyard of Noa Noa, Friday and Saturday, July 26th and 27th at 8:30 pm. Two shows only.

What is it? Honestly, you’ll have to come to find out, but the teaser video at the end of this post and this press release offer a few clues:

Do you like unicorns? If you answered “yes”, “maybe,” or “no,” then this is an evening for you!

Come explore what it takes to win in this interactive performance experience! There will be sequins, prizes, Nirvana music, sitting, unicorns, and SO MUCH MORE….

1-Yourself and a few friends
2-Your positive winning attitude
3-Something to drink
4-A blanket or a chair
5-Bug Spray
6-Monetary Donations if you got ’em
(Suggested Donation is $5)

The Co-Creators:

William Stewart Ladd is a WINNER at cleaning toilets, drinking soy milk, and gluing sequins onto everything.

Erin Christian Law is a WINNER at eating spinach, vacuuming, and reading instruction booklets.

Tyler Kassidy O’dneal is a WINNER at brushing her teeth, using the internet, and twerking.


More info on the Facebook event pages. (Friday night here, Saturday night here.)

You’re a Winner
Friday, July 26th & Saturday, July 27th, 8:30pm (doors), 9:00pm (show)
Suggested donation of $5

@ Noa Noa (come to back porch)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

BYOB. Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.