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Jun 292013


If you like extended technique and bass artistry reminiscent of Peter Kowald,  Thomas Helton and  T.J. Borden, you need to be at The Stone Fox on Monday, July 1st.

Darin Gray plays stand up bass and electric bass in extremely innovative ways. He has performed with Chris Corsano and Tatsuya Nakatani. As his wiki states,

He is best known for playing bass in St. Louis’ Dazzling Killmen, and with Jim O’Rourke in Brise-Glace and on O’Rourke’s solo albums.A prolific musician since the 1980s, Darin has appeared on albums ranging from noise to math rock. Besides Dazzling Killmen and Brise-Glace, he has played in bands such as Yona-KitYou Fantastic!Sad LewisGrand Ulena, and On Fillmore. Darin’s collaborators include Jim O’RourkeGlenn KotcheGastr del SolBunnygruntLoren Mazzacane ConnorsCheer-AccidentKevin DrummBobby ConnEarly Day Miners, and KK Null among others.

He’s also known to play an electric bass on his lap, reminiscent of the work of Nashville guitarist Brady Sharp. Fittingly, Brady will perform at Monday’s show.

Nashville guitarist William Tyler will perform a duet with Darin. Also performing are Michael Ross and Robert Bond. Michael is the editor of Guitar Moderne and a recent Nashville transplant. This will be one of his first Nashville shows, and I’m excited to see him perform. Robert Bond is a multi-instrumentalist, producer, and overall awesome guy. We just recorded a smoking Theatre Intangible improv with Robert and guitarist Regi Wooten. Look for that next week.

William Tyler has a new album out on Merge Records. William appeared on the podcast here, and Brady appeared on it here, here, and here. For more info, check out the Facebook event page.

Darin Gray & William Tyler, Brady Sharp, Michael Ross & Robert Bond
July 1st, 9pm, $6 to $10
@ The Stone Fox
712 51st Ave N.
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Jun 252013


The lineup is amazing this year. I hope a few Nashvillians can make it out.


Wednesday, June 26th @ Lisa’s Oak St. Lounge (1004 E Oak St.):
(Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8:30pm)
Dissappearo, AshochiousNO copper, Bill Zink / Steve Good, Sir Salé and the Satyatar

Thursday, June 27th @ Haymarket Whiskey Bar (331 E Market St.):
(Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8pm)
KlimchakHingeR Keenan Lawler, Joee Conroy / Dane Waters, Tim KaiserNational Hotel Sound SystemCamera Lucida

Friday, June 28th @ St. Philip Neri Church (236 Woodbine St.):
(Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8pm)
Anwar SadatHumongousHyrrokkinTropical Trash

Saturday, June 29th @ Dreamland Film Center (810 E Market St.):
(Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8:30pm)
Jonathan Wood / Lowe Sutherland, Mike ShifletDarin Gray / Raw ThugAaron Dilloway

Sunday, June 30th @ The Bard’s Town (1801 Bardstown Rd.):
(Doors at 8:30pm, Show at 9pm)
The Untalented Visionaries (Norman Minogue / Douglas Lucas), Sick City Four, The Magnetic Bananimals, Keir NeuringerGreg Ginn and The Royal We

All shows: $5

Sponsored by Astro Black RecordsDoo Wop ShopMusic Go RoundSophomore LoungeHeine Brothers’ Coffee

Presented by NONE Productions.

Jun 222013

All of the performers at the last Noa Noa experimental show are techheads. So when Pimpdaddysupreme informed me that Vine, the 6-second video app from Twitter,  had just been released on Android devices, I hurriedly downloaded it and Vined away. So did Shane, Matt, Aric, and Mara. With all this media lurking about, I decided to make a repository.

Various Vines by Mara Bissell, Matt the PM, Pimpdaddysupreme, and Tony Youngblood. Btw, the movie screening behind EBNC is an endearing Japanese classic called Zombie Ass.


Vine 1
Vine 2
Vine 3

Workshoppe Radio Phonik

Vine 1
Vine 2
Vine 3

Adventure Bomb

Vine 1
Vine 2
Vine 3

Jun 212013

Instrument-maker, circuit-bender, ambient musician and one of the coolest people on the planet Tim Kaiser is returning to Noa Noa on Saturday, June 29th for a very special performance. He’ll be in the area for the Louisville Experimental Festival. We’re very fortunate that he agreed to make a stop in Nashville.

You NEED to be at this show. I know I say that a lot, but seriously. This time. NEED.

Who is Tim Kaiser?

Tim Kaiser is well known in the atmospheric experimental music scene for his blending of acousto-electric contraptions and Frankenstein electronics to create ethereal, layered drones. His sonic landscapes have been called “experiments in adventurous art” and “eclectic genius” by the likes of Make Magazine, Wired, the New Art Examiner and the Associated Press. Mr. Kaiser was featured on the PBS program MakeTV and has headlined numerous experimental music festivals in the US.

Check out his appearance on MakeTV where he discusses his instrument building:

Incredibly cool.

This will be the fourth in a new series of experimental concerts at Noa Noa. The theme for the night is “Inner Space — three acts building their own private fantasy world through instrument design, hardware hacking, and music. ”

Dylan Simon & Amy Blackburn Simon will blend voice, synthesizer, and hurdy gurdy into a tapestry-gilded gateway to the dream world.

Devin Bell (Blight Side of Life) will harness the power of audience smart phones and use them as multi-channel speakers in which to broadcast his circuit-bent drone set. That’s right, your phones are the speakers!

Incidentally, all three acts are Circuit Benders’ Ball alums.

More info on the Facebook event page. Don’t miss this very special show!

Noa Noa Experimental Series #4: Inner Space
Tim Kaiser, Dylan Simon & Amy Blackburn Simon, Devin Bell
Doors at 8:30pm, show at 9pm sharp
Suggested donation $7 to $10 to touring band.
BYOB. Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203