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Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 97: T.J. Borden and Steven Dunning artist showcase.
These two solo performances were recorded August 5th, 2012 for a show also featuring Ypsmael and Lawrence Crow. Episode 98 will feature those performances.
Buffalo, New York experimental cellist and composer T.J. Borden has worked with artists such as Tony Conrad, Steven Mackey, Jack Wright, Thomas Helton, Evan Lipson, and DJ Spooky. He’s also a member of Wooden Cities, a
Buffalo-based new music collective of musicians dedicated to performing the work of emerging and underrepresented composers.
A native of Buffalo, Steven Dunning is a Nashville-based violinist who has performed with the Huntsville Symphony, the Amherst Chamber Ensembles, and Country Music Hall-of-Famer Ray Price. He last appeared on Theatre Intangible episode 81: Ghost in the Hollow. Thanks for listening!
Textbook Punk (screenshot from video by Rob Beckham.)
There’s a great lineup tomorrow at Betty’s Grill, featuring Chris Murray’s new project Textbook Punk. He recently put up an amazing scoop & loop set on his Soundcloud. I’m not certain if this will be Textbook Punk solo or Textbook Punk the four-piece (see video below). UPDATE05-04-2013. Chris tells me that he’ll be doing an ASMR set. I had to Google that phrase. It means Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, which KnowYourMeme says is
a term used to describe a sensory experience characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation in the head and scalp, which can be triggered by sounds like whispering or brushing, and visual stimulus like painting or drawing. On YouTube, the phenomenon inspired the creation of “whisperer” videos, in which people attempt to trigger the viewer’s ASMR by speaking in a soft voice and making various sounds with inanimate objects.
There does indeed appear to be a movement of ASMR videos on YouTube, most of which involve a person looking into the camera and whispering encouraging thoughts to the viewer … and occasionally, the use of binaural mics to enhance the POV effect. Here’s an example. Fascinating.
I can’t wait to see how Textbook Punk will translate ASMR into a musical performance.
Here’s the full lineup. Sadly, no Nashville bands this year.
Wednesday, June 26th @ Lisa’s Oak St. Lounge (1004 E Oak St.):
(Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8:30pm) Dissappearo, Ashochious, NO copper, Bill Zink / Steve Good, Sir Salé and the Satyatar
Saturday, June 29th @ Dreamland Film Center (810 E Market St.):
(Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8:30pm) Jonathan Wood / Lowe Sutherland, Mike Shiflet, Darin Gray / Raw Thug, Aaron Dilloway
Sunday, June 30th @ The Bard’s Town (1801 Bardstown Rd.):
(Doors at 8:30pm, Show at 9pm) The Untalented Visionaries (Norman Minogue / Douglas Lucas), Sick City Four, The Magnetic Bananimals, Keir Neuringer, Greg Ginn and The Royal We
In related news, Louisville Experimental Festival founder Douglas Lucas just started broadcasting two radio programs rotating every Sunday at 7pm on ART+FM.
The programs are:
1. “Indeterminate Transmissions” – which will consist of live on-air sound and radio art improvisations/experimentations.
2. “The Medium Is Sound” – which will present recordings by local, national, and international experimental musicians, sound artists, and noise makers.
You can tune in online at http://www.artxfm.com/listen/, and/or by downloading the ART+FM app for free in the App Store.
A few Theatre Intangible alums just released new albums. Horsehair Everywhere re-edited and remastered their 2011 Theatre Intangible improv Cuatro Ninos and just released it as side A of their new tape “When Eyes Walk.” Pick up a limited-edition copy at Goldtimers Tapes.
Ben Marcantel’s 8-bit / Gameboy project sugar sk*-*lls just released a pretty smokin’ new album called “intermission.” It’s free to download for a limited time on his Bandcamp page. Get it for free while you still can! Hear Ben on Theatre Intangible episode 47 Milk Vetch, also featuring Leslie Keffer and Scott Martin.