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Jan 182012

Here’s podcast 78 The Ocean and the Sea starring BREY MCCOY and ANTHONY WILLIAM HERNDON from the Paducah, Kentucky experimental group METRONOME THEREMIN. We recorded this synth-filled noise-fest in August of last year.

This is the first podcast I mastered and edited in a program other than Soundtrack Pro. I finally put to rest my senile Mac G5 and replaced it with a Xubuntu Linux machine. I really wanted to use open source audio editing software.

Unfortunately, nothing in the open source world holds a candle to Soundtrack Pro (not even Ardour, at least for waveform editing). And Alsa was an absolute beast to configure properly. So after a month of pulling my hair out and putting off the next podcast release, I broke down and installed Windows 7 inside Virtualbox and purchased Adobe Audition. I feel dirty. Is it as good as my 5 year old copy of Soundtrack Pro? No. Will it work? That remains to be seen.

Ahem! And now without further tech talk, here’s “The Ocean and the Sea.”


Oct 032010

Kicking off Theatre Intangible Halloweird! October is the 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza, a WRVU podcast broadcast around Halloween 2008. To prepare for this show, we sent out cheap digital recorders with T.I. correspondents to capture their Halloween nights. We assembled the recordings and met at WRVU to improv around them. I sprained my ankle pretty fierce right before Halloween; thus, my recording featured me at my house, complaining about not being able to go out. When we taped the show at WRVU, I hobbled around on crutches, in some serious pain but high on the magic going down.

The 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza features Cody Bottoms, Brey McCoy, Lawrence Crow, and Charlie Rauh. The field correspondents were Paul Cain, Cody Bottoms, Richard Harper, Wes White, and myself.

If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us feedback on iTunes.

Subscribe via iTunes.

Sep 262010

Tonight’s podcast is one from the WRVU vaults: Parasites, an ambitious episode starring a whopping eight participants. Four played their instruments and four leeched off of these instruments and manipulated them. Each maker was paired with a manipulator. Acoustic guitarist and clarinet player Charlie Rauh got pirated by laptop-armed Lawrence Crow. Anthony William Herndon played his modified keyboard while John Marshall leached his signal with rack mounted effects. Jamison Sevitts’s trumpet was manipulated by Pete from CIA and his nest of pedals. Brey Mcoy played various wind instruments while Chris Murray hacked in with his sampling pad.  I did the live mixing and mastering. You’ll hear this episode in its glorious full length. I didn’t have time to cut it down because I’ve been busy planning the 1st Annual Circuit Benders Ball and Theatre Intangible Halloweird October.

What’s Halloweird October you ask? For the entire month of October, we’re bringing you five special Halloween podcasts, including a new horror movie soundtrack, the Halloween Extravagana volume 1 from 2008, and the all new Halloween Extravaganza Volume 3. The fun starts next week. To prepare yourself, be sure and check out the previously broadcast Halloween Extravaganza Volume 2 and the Dracula Improv.

If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us feedback on iTunes. And now, Parasites.

Subscribe via iTunes.

Mar 142010

Nine of us sat in my cold basement, sitting on amplifiers arranged in a circle and armed with guitars of all shapes and calibers.  We had just recorded a level-check for the all guitar episode, and Charlie was uncomfortable.  I shared his worry that the episode may degenerate into a cacophonous kludge of competing frequencies, each guitarist in his own little world.  We solved the problem by dividing the show into mini-concepts lasting between 5 and 15 minutes each.  It wasn’t long before the tape rolled and JJ sprang into action as one concept’s conductor; waving, pointing, raising and lowering his appendages, signaling players when to play and with what intensity.  After an inspired smoke break, Will Floyd orchestrated the theme of a bank heist as told through guitar.  Charlie played the carefree bank customer whose happy notes took a turn for the sour when the bank robbers shot up the place with distorted axes.  Charlie’s departed ghost rose from the grave and played a sweet coda as the bank concept ended.

All in all we recorded an hour and seventeen minutes worth of material — some good, some bad, some golden.  When I edited the show a month later, I had forgotten most of the themes, which was probably for the best.  Free of our intentions, I was able to edit simply on what sounded good.  The parts that didn’t work or felt too much like a jam band got thrown to the side, leaving a brisk thirty seven minutes.  All Guitars stars Anthony William Herndon, Brey McCoy, Charlie Rauh, and first-time participants Ben Lowry, Brady Sharp, and Adam Louis.  Each brought something unique to the table, and I look forward to having them on again.  Will Floyd and JJ Jones each directed a segment.  We recorded live to my Tascam 80-8 reel to reel tape recorder.  I did the live mixing and editing.

We had a great time making this one, and I hope you get the same pleasure out of hearing it.  All Guitars.  Enjoy.