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Nov 132013
Brian Siskind inside "Airshaft (to Piranesi)"

Brian Siskind inside “Airshaft (to Piranesi)”


Musician, composer, producer and Theatre Intangible participant Brian Siskind collaborated with renowned multimedia artist Ana Maria Tavares in a new installation at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts. The four-sided immersive video Airshaft (to Piranesi) is the centerpiece to Tavares’ exhibition Deviating Utopias. This is a HUGE deal, and if you consider yourself a supporter of Nashville experimental and electronic artists, you need to experience this collaboration.

The Frist page has the details:

The centerpiece of this exhibition is [Tavares’] four-sided immersive video, Airshaft (to Piranesi), 2008, comprising sequences of elaborate interiors as seen from multiple perspectives in constant motion.

Tavares’s immersive video is accompanied by Nashville composer Brian Siskind’s Niterói, water that hides. This sonic collage brings together mid-century/post-war orchestral vinyl, recontextualized into a dark, deep, and teeming sound environment.

Ana Maria Tavares: Deviating Utopias closes January 12th, 2014.

Stream Brian’s Niterói, water that hides below and purchase a limited edition cd at Brian’s Bandcamp.

Brian performed on Theatre Intangible episode 77, Elsewhere. Download or stream it here.

Nov 052013
Flyer by Joseph Allred.

Flyer by Joseph Allred.


Chris Davis organized an incredible lineup here at Theatre Intangible h.q. aka Noa Noa for Saturday, November 9th.

  • Nathan Bowles & Scott Verrastro
  • Joseph Allred
  • Noa (with Chris Davis)

Blacksburg, Virginia’s Nathan Bowles and Philadelphia’s Scott Verrastro lead very busy lives with their bands and solo projects. Bowles is a member of Pigeons, Pelt and Black Twig Pickers among others. Verrastro performs in Kohoutek, Kuschty Rye ErgoInsect Factory (leader Jeff Barsky played Noa Noa earlier this year) and many more projects.

For this tour, they’re combining forces as an experimental improv percussion duo. If the songs from their new album Polar Satellites are any measure, the show at Noa Noa is a can’t-miss evening of music.


The wonderful Joseph Allred plays fingerstyle instrumental music on an acoustic guitar.


Noa is an improvising musician and multi-instrumentalist, performing on woodwinds, various percussion instruments, hurdy gurdy and other instruments. She will improvise with Chris Davis (The Cherry Blossoms).

More info on the Facebook event page. I hope to see you at the show!

Nathan Bowles & Scott Verrastro, Joseph Allred, Noa
Saturday, November 9th, 2013, Doors at 8:30 p.m., show at 9 p.m. sharp
$5, Yazoo beer available + BYOB
Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

Special thanks to Yazoo Brewing Company for providing the beverages.

Nov 042013



Robbie Lynn Hunsinger is a Nashville-based musician, multimedia artist, hacker, coder, and all-around amazing person. She collaborated with architect Douglas Garofalo on a Museum of Contemporary Art installation. She’s also a Grammy-winning oboist with the Chicago Symphony. We’re extremely fortunate to have her in Nashville.

On Sunday, November 10th, Robbie is teaching a class on creative coding at Boheme Collectif. If you’ve ever wanted to integrate an Xbox Kinect or Wiimote into your project or learn the software programs Processing and Pure Data, this class is for you.  No prior experience is necessary. This class is part two in a series. If you missed the first class, don’t worry. It’s not a prerequisite. Robbie will do a brief review.

Here are the details:

Creative Code 101 for Makers, Musicians & Artists 
With interactive artist & teacher Robbie Hunsinger
Class fee: $35

Second installment! Beginner class in writing creative code for interactive art and music. Bring in your images, sounds and video and we will explore using them with Processing. Robbie will also introduce Pure Data, another amazingly powerful program that many of us use with sound work. Processing and Pure Data are both cross-platform

What to Bring:

  • Laptop with Processing and Pure Data installed. (Free via the links)
  • Headphones or earbuds.
  • Media files (mp3, mov, jpeg, tiff, etc) for use in class.
  • Webcam highly recommended

Please RSVP on the Facebook event page.

Creative Code 101 for Makers, Musicians & Artists
Sunday, November 10th, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave.
Suite 8
Nashville, Tennessee 37206

Nov 032013


I was out of town yesterday and wasn’t able to catch Arts & Music @ Wedgewood/Houston, but from all reports, the event was a huge success!

Here are some videos from the event. I will update as more videos come down the pipeline.

“light adapted” @ Track One


Bill Vincent’s projection-mapped Nashville Skyline @ Fort Houston