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Tim Carey from the space music duo 84001 just tipped me off to a FREE under-the-radar holiday noise fest happening this Saturday at Betty’s Grill. Tim and Chris Murray (Square People, Textbook Punk) are releasing a split cassette and performing. Also on the bill are the Xists, the brilliant project of wrestler Jocephus Brody and his brother. Other bands include Malocchio (Derek Schartung), Brady Sharp, Sparkling Wide Pressure (Frank Baugh), Harvest Team (Reid Cambell), Terror’ish, Spacemen Saturday Night, and Dug. Each band will perform for 15 minutes or less.
Textbook Punk (screenshot from video by Rob Beckham.)
There’s a great lineup tomorrow at Betty’s Grill, featuring Chris Murray’s new project Textbook Punk. He recently put up an amazing scoop & loop set on his Soundcloud. I’m not certain if this will be Textbook Punk solo or Textbook Punk the four-piece (see video below). UPDATE05-04-2013. Chris tells me that he’ll be doing an ASMR set. I had to Google that phrase. It means Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, which KnowYourMeme says is
a term used to describe a sensory experience characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation in the head and scalp, which can be triggered by sounds like whispering or brushing, and visual stimulus like painting or drawing. On YouTube, the phenomenon inspired the creation of “whisperer” videos, in which people attempt to trigger the viewer’s ASMR by speaking in a soft voice and making various sounds with inanimate objects.
There does indeed appear to be a movement of ASMR videos on YouTube, most of which involve a person looking into the camera and whispering encouraging thoughts to the viewer … and occasionally, the use of binaural mics to enhance the POV effect. Here’s an example. Fascinating.
I can’t wait to see how Textbook Punk will translate ASMR into a musical performance.
NO KINGS Records is a vital part of the local lo-fi and noise scenes. Sunday night, check out an intimate show at No Kings founder Stephen Molyneux’s place, featuring a roster of the label’s many talents: Ben Marcantel’s chip-tuned SUGAR SK*-*LLS, Ryan Norris’ ambient melodia COUPLER, STEPHEN MOLYNEUX himself, and Derek Schartung’s cardboard noise machine MALOCCHIO. Nearly all have appeared on Theatre Intangible at one point or another, most recently Stepehen in Episode 73: Cuatro Ninos starring HORSEHAIR EVERYWHERE.
The show on Sunday is FREE and starts at 8:3opm, on-schedule so Stephen tells me.
SUGAR SK*-*LLS : (Ben Marcantel) of Hands off Cuba, Forrest Bride
COUPLER : (Ryan Norris) of Lambchop, Kort, Hands off Cuba, etc.
STEPHEN MOLYNEUX : of Horsehair Everywhere, Poet Named Revolver, etc.
MALOCCHIO : (Derek Schartung) of Taiwan Deth, etc.
BYOB, & if you’d like to bring food to share that would be lovely.
Park at the Shell gas station on the corner, or secondarily on Murphy Rd. Carpooling and bikes are encouraged!