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Apr 032015


Tonight at the 12 South Portland Brew coffeehouse, FMRL is presenting Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel with Randy Hunt.

Atlanta’s Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel makes pretty amazing ambient, space-like music, but don’t take my word for it. Check out their live video below.

Randy Hunt is a badass upright bass player who has appeared on the Theatre Intangible podcast many times. Check him out on Episode 110: Hertenstein/Hunt/Sevits.

FMRL presents Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel w/ Randy Hunt
Friday, April 3rd, 2015, 9 p.m., $8
@ 12 South Portland Brew, 2605 12th Ave S, Nashville, Tennessee 37204

Feb 262014


Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 110: Hertenstein/Hunt/Sevits, recorded on September 13th, 2013.

Joe Hertenstein is a New York City-based drone/avant-garde/free improv drummer, originally hailing from Germany. He’s played with heavy hitters such as Mat Maneri, Anthony Coleman, Ken Filiano, Frank Gratkowski, Jon Irabagon, Achim Tang, Mikko Innanen, Todd Neufeld, Simon Jermyn, and Thomas Heberer.

How did this all come together? Double-bassist and Theatre Intangible participant Thomas Helton e-mailed me a few days before, letting me know Joe Hertenstein, the drummer in his new trio, was passing through Nashville and might be persuaded to perform. By a stroke of good fortune, I had a show booked at Noa Noa for the upcoming Friday with British noise artist Freudian Slit, the Nashville electronic duo Age, and Knoxville multimedia artists Virginia Griswold abd Morgan Higby-Flowers. Joe agreed to perform, and trumpet player Jamison Sevits and double-bassist Randy Hunt came on board to form an extemporaneous trio.

Everything was falling into place. Now we just needed a set of drums.

Joe wasn’t traveling with a set. My roommate Tommy’s set was with him at a show across town. We decided to Frankenstein together a set using Tommy’s spare drums, broken cymbals, and various bits of metal and wood laying around the basement. A lamp served as a cymbal stand. And yet Joe, Jamison and Randy took this limitation and turned it into something magical.

I also recorded the performances of Freudian Slit, Age, and Virginia and Morgan, and I’m including those recordings as free downloads directly below. I’m also embedding videos that Josh Gumiela recorded of the performances. As always, the podcast itself is in the player at the very bottom of the article. Enjoy.

Right click to download, middle mouse click to stream:
Freudian Slit live at Noa Noa
Age live at Noa Noa
Virginia Griswold and Morgan Higby-Flowers live at Noa Noa

May 232013


Here’s episode 102: Moonlight Pineapple, recorded on the Noa Noa back porch on April 6th, 2011. We organized this show around Charlie and Chris Rauh’s visit back to Nashville from New York City and DC respectively. We did two improvs that night, the first with a set group of participants, and the second, a free for all tag team with a who’s who of the Nashville avant garde music community. Episode 101 featured the first. You’re about to hear the second.

Since this was nearly two years ago and it featured so many people, to be honest, I can’t completely remember everyone who played on it. But I’m pretty sure that it featured Randy Hunt, Rhendi Greenwell, Tim Norton, Charlie Rauh, Chris Rauh, Sarah Robey, Chris Murray, Craig Schenker, Jamison Sevits, and Tommy Stangroom. I apologize if I forgot anyone. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering.

The idea for this was that any participant could walk off at any time and tag in someone in the audience to replace him or her. There are some really nice moments on this. Thanks for listening!

May 222013


Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 101: Restless Mariner, recorded on the Noa Noa back porch on April 6th, 2011 and starring Randy Hunt, Chris Murray, Charlie Rauh, Chris Rauh, Craig Schenker, Jamison Sevits, and Tommy Stangroom. We organized this show around Charlie and Chris Rauh’s visit back to Nashville from New York City and DC respectively. Since Charlie moved to New York City in 2010, he’s been making quite a name for himself playing with such esteemed musicians as Ingrid Laubrock, Tom Rainey, Connie Crothers, Daniel Carter, Ken Filiano, and Hill Greene.

We did two improvs that night, the first with a set group of musicians who came in one at a time throughout the performance, and the second, a free for all tag team with a who’s who of the Nashville avant garde music community. Episode 102 will feature the second. You’re about to hear the first. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering. Thanks for listening!