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May 012013

Pediastrum simplex_3

Here’s episode 96: Cenobium Artist Showcase.

Cenobium is an evolving collective of improv musicians based out of Nashville. Exploring the worlds of post modern jazz and the avant garde, Cenobium pushes the boundaries of improvised acoustic music. For this event, Cenobium took the form as a trio featuring Craig Schenker on saxophone, Randy Hunt on upright bass, and Jamison Sevits on trumpet.

I recorded this performance at Gallery F on October 10th, 2011 as part of the exhibition Scientists and Artists Picture the Intangible. Tim Kaiser, Jeremy Walker, and Santa’s Workshop also performed. We released the Jeremy Walker performance as a free download and the Santa’s Workshop performance as Theatre Intangible episode 75. Thanks for listening.

Mar 192012

JJ Jones stylin' at the Gallery F Closing Party

The Gallery F closing show was a phenomenal night of art and music and a bittersweet ending to one of Nashville’s most innovative spaces. (Note: It may one day relocate elsewhere on the campus of Scarritt Bennett Center.) Thomas Helton and a group of Nashville improvisers performed Theatre Intangible episode 81 Ghosts in the Hollow live at the gallery. That was just one of many spectacular performances. If you weren’t there, well . . . sucks for you!

Not so fast, cowboy! I recorded several of the performances, and now I offer them up for your listening pleasure.

First, we have what for lack of a better name I’m calling “The War Improv,” starring Randy Hunt on double-bass, Chris Murray on sax, Craig Schenker on sax, Tommy Stangroom on drums, and yours truly on samples. Craig Schenker conceived this structured improv around the Gallery F closing exhibition “23 Years Without War.” I’m pretty sure we blew eardrums with the grenade-filled finale.

Next up is Mike Hiegemann and Rhendi Greenwall performing “The Nashville Scene,” a sharp commentary on the state of music in Music City. Rhendi created the visuals, which were projected over Mike as he performed the music. I wasn’t able to videotape the performance, but the duo is planning on releasing a video soon.

Finally, we have “The Fire Trilogy” by Pop Collage, a project by The Human Snowglobe JJ Jones and Mike Hiegemann. Words. Can’t. Describe. Just. Listen.

Right click to save. Left click to stream. Enjoy!

1. War Improv

2. The Nashville Scene

3. The Fire Trilogy

Sep 192011

Here’s episode 68, Space Waves, the second of three Theatre Intangible presentations, performed live at Gallery F on August 27th, 2011. The performances all sought to bridge the gap between science and art. You can hear the first wave, Brainwaves, on podcast 67. The third, Art Waves, will be on the podcast next week.

For Space Waves, a three-piece jazz ensemble inspired by Don Cherry’s world fusion period meditates on the planets. This theme was entirely conceived and composed by the participants: Jamison Sevits on trumpet/flugelhorn, Randy Hunt on upright bass, and Matt Aurand on percussion.
