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Mar 192012

JJ Jones stylin' at the Gallery F Closing Party

The Gallery F closing show was a phenomenal night of art and music and a bittersweet ending to one of Nashville’s most innovative spaces. (Note: It may one day relocate elsewhere on the campus of Scarritt Bennett Center.) Thomas Helton and a group of Nashville improvisers performed Theatre Intangible episode 81 Ghosts in the Hollow live at the gallery. That was just one of many spectacular performances. If you weren’t there, well . . . sucks for you!

Not so fast, cowboy! I recorded several of the performances, and now I offer them up for your listening pleasure.

First, we have what for lack of a better name I’m calling “The War Improv,” starring Randy Hunt on double-bass, Chris Murray on sax, Craig Schenker on sax, Tommy Stangroom on drums, and yours truly on samples. Craig Schenker conceived this structured improv around the Gallery F closing exhibition “23 Years Without War.” I’m pretty sure we blew eardrums with the grenade-filled finale.

Next up is Mike Hiegemann and Rhendi Greenwall performing “The Nashville Scene,” a sharp commentary on the state of music in Music City. Rhendi created the visuals, which were projected over Mike as he performed the music. I wasn’t able to videotape the performance, but the duo is planning on releasing a video soon.

Finally, we have “The Fire Trilogy” by Pop Collage, a project by The Human Snowglobe JJ Jones and Mike Hiegemann. Words. Can’t. Describe. Just. Listen.

Right click to save. Left click to stream. Enjoy!

1. War Improv

2. The Nashville Scene

3. The Fire Trilogy

Nov 262011

Circuit bender, sculptor, maker, and experimental musician JEREMY  WALKER performed at Zeitgeist Gallery as a part of the October Art Walk. Local maker group HACKNASH, of which I’m a part, organized an open build. Jeremy performed with his array of circuit-bent and home made instruments. As usual, I brought my recorder. Enjoy.

Right click to save. Left click to play:

Jeremy Walker live at Zeitgeist Gallery, October 6th 2011.

Nov 102011

Foster Dad live at Noa Noa

October was a busy month here at Theatre Intangible. In addition to our three special Halloween podcasts, we helped organize shows at Zeitgeist, Gallery F, Geek Media Expo, and Noa Noa. As usual, we recorded everything. We released some of the performances as podcasts: for example, Adventure Bomb Live & Turn It Off!. Three I’m saving for future podcasts: the GMX bending panel and Cenobium and Santa’s Workshop artist showcases. The rest could sit on the shelf for months while I find time to release them. Or I could just give them to you now.

I think I’ll do that.


(Left click to play. Right click to save.)

Lola Koeune live at Noa Noa
Jeremy Walker live at Gallery F
Foster Dad live at Noa Noa
Electric Inertia live at Noa Noa
Workshoppe Radio Phonik live at Noa Noa
Microwave Windows live at Noa Noa

Zip file containing all six performances.

Sep 282011

I’ve been sitting on this one for way too long. Shortly after their phenomenal Theatre Intangible improv, sound artists FUN sent me their variations on the episode. What can you do with 20 minutes of textural noises? If you’re FUN, the answer is quite a lot! They sliced, diced, chopped, and recontextualized the audio (even using my voice during the level checks), turning an already great improv into an EPIC audio journey, the LEAVES OF GRASS of noise collage. The result is like nothing we’ve ever released. Fans of field recording, sound art, audio collage, and artists such as MERZBOW and DAVENPORT will love this. I’m proud to be a part of it.

Download the remixes here: (Right-click to save-as, left-click to play)

FUN Theatre Intangible Variation #1

FUN Theatre Intangible Variation #2