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Feb 142011

Drumroll please. . . For the 51st podcast of Theatre Intangible, we present a real banger from the WIDB Prefab Audio Extrapolations version of the show — The Modern Sounds of Percussion — recorded on February 10th, 2000, starring DaveX and myself.

This show actually does sound pretty modern for something recorded 11 years ago. It’s arrhythmic, spastic, and dirty. In short, I like it! Enjoy.

If you like the show, tell a friend or write a review in iTunes.

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Feb 072011

In this episode:

  • THEATRE INTANGIBLE breaks into WRVU for one last in-station show!
  • A VSC BOARD MEMBER calls the COPS!
  • CODY BOTTOMS takes his clothes off for the webcam!
  • Trainee TERRY finds his broadcast voice!

THEATRE INTANGIBLE celebrates our 50th podcast by performing LIVE from our original home 91.1 WRVU fm on the campus of Vanderbilt University. As you might remember, I was kicked off of WRVU and permanently banned from the station. Luckily, my door key scan card still works. I’m joined Theatre Intangible’s first guest ever Cody Bottoms (THE MANPOWER), early collaborator William Davis (OH NO IT’S HOWARD), and ex-host of the also-banned WRVU show GET UP STAND UP Mark Anundson.

Things start off smoothly with calls from champion wrestler Jocephus The Shelby Street Brawler and WRVU’s POCKET NINJAS’ host Amanda Tucker. Things get a bit out of hand when Mark busts out the alcohol, we get a call from VSC Board Member Dick Shell, and a dj trainee hiding in the control booth becomes our “reluctant” guest. We barricade the door with the station couch and hunker down for an all-out siege.

We discuss VSC president Chris Carroll, Director of Student Media Jim Hayes, and since-resigned student general manager Mikil Taylor. Board member Dick Shell calls to complain and lets slip a shocking revelation about the sale of WRVU that you are most definitely NOT going to like.

Featuring call-ins by T.I. participants pimpdaddysupreme, Chris Rauh (Arclyte), Chris Murray and Craig Schenker (Square People), and Joseph Hudson (Dave Cloud). More calls from officer MacBeth, Officer Fritz, Hostage Negotiator Lieutenant McKinley, Amanda Tucker, Tiffany, Kurt, and trainee Terry’s mother Misty.

With music by T.I. participants Tim Kaiser, Ken Soper, Strotter Inst., Leslie Keffer, Anthony William Herndon, DaveX, pimpdaddysupreme, Lawrence Crow, Mark Anundson, and WORLD PREMIERE tracks by Square People Jazz Maturity and Lylas recorded exclusively for Theatre Intangible!

Special thanks to Brad Edwards, Sean Parrot, Ben Sullivan, Melody Holt, Tommy Stangroom, and most especially Jesse Perry. Mark, Brad, Sean, and Jesse are all podcasters too. Check out their many shows, including HAPPY FOR APATHY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARY, and MANGY DOG RADIO HOUR WHOOP-DEE-DOO.

If you like the show, tell a friend or write a review in iTunes. And without further ado, we bring you, the Theatre Intangible 50th Podcast Spectacular!

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Feb 012011

Valerie Martino & Kevin Cunningham

Head Job is the third of three special improvs recorded live at Betty’s Bar & Grill on January 16th, 2011. The podcast features Valerie Martino from Unicorn Hard-on and Kevin Cunningham from Lazer Slut.

Before this episode, Valerie and Kevin only played together 2 or 3 times, depending on which one you ask. I’m pleased to hear that they’re continuing their duo set. The performance on this podcast is pretty phenomenal.

If you like what you hear, Unicorn Hard-on and Lazer Slut will be performing together again on February 17th at Open Lot. Also performing: Unwed Sailor, Ascent of Everest, and Square People Jazz Maturity. More details at the Open Lot Events Page.

Valerie took all the photographs and videos from the Betty’s improvs, except of course for the ones featuring her. You can check out more of her excellent photographs and live recordings at her blog Tangled Hares.

Stay tuned next Sunday for a very special 50th podcast. I’m keeping the contents pretty close to my chest, but suffice it to say, it’s like nothing you’ve heard on T.I. up to this point.

In case you missed them, check out the previous two Betty’s live sets:

Episode 48 – Sweat Weasel featuring Tommy Stangroom, Lawrence Crow, and Stephen Molyneux.

Episode 47 – Milk Vetch featuring Leslie Keffer, Scott Martin, and Ben Marcantel

If you like the show, tell a friend or write a review in iTunes.

And now, enjoy Head Job.

Subscribe via iTunes

Jan 232011

left to right: Crow, Stangroom, Molyneux. Photo by Valerie Martino.

Sweat Weasel is the second of three special improvs recorded live at Betty’s Bar & Grill on January 16th, 2011. It features Tommy Stangroom on drums and circuit bent toy keyboard, Lawrence Crow on keyboards and programming, and Stephen Molyneux on 4 track loops. Tommy plays drums for Square People. Lawrence makes ambient experimental music using open source programming. Stephen is one of the founding members of the Murfreesboro experimental collective Horsehair Everywhere.

Be sure and check out the first Betty’s recording Milk Vetch (featuring Leslie Keffer, Ben Marcantel, and Scott Martin) on podcast 47. The third improv featuring Lazer Slut and Unicorn Hard-on will come out next week.