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May 302011

Les Rhinoceros

Grooving psychedelic rockers LES RHINOCEROS recently signed with John Zorn’s esteemed record label Tzadik. They’ll be playing a house show tonight with SQUARE PEOPLE and TERROR’ISH. This is, as far as I can tell, the premiere show at the East Nashville house dubbed “The Lodge.”  A fitting conclusion to the weekend heretofore known as , “the weekend jam packed with way too much cool shit.”

More info on the Facebook event page. Details below.

“Hailing from the Washington, DC area, the young band Les Rhinocéros delivers a crazy world in sound, blending aspects of rock, world music, noise, ambient and jazz. The trio of teenagers was formed in 2008 while the players were still in high school, and has developed since then into an intense and wildly imaginative group that takes music to its extremes. Emotional, minimalistic, intense and grooving, this is music that goes beyond imagination to the edges of sanity. The group continues their sonic experiments by adding unusual instruments into the traditional rock band setting.” –Tzadik

9pm to 12am

“THE LODGE”, 2215 Riverside Dr, Nashville, TN, BYOB, $3-5
Les Rhinoceros
Square People
(Parking is limited so please car-pool/bike/moped if possible.)