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Sep 252012

Great news! We reached our $1000 Circuit Benders’ Ball Kickstarter goal! We owe a big debt of gratitude to all of our generous backers! Thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you!

If you haven’t backed us yet, you still can. Great rewards are still available, including one last workshop super bundle: All three workshops and a VIP “free beer” Badge to the Ball for the discounted price of $140! All in all, that’s  a$40 savings, and there’s only one left. Go snatch it on our Kickstarter page.

Other rewards included single workshops, passes to the Ball, CBB t-shirt, posters, one-of-a-kind art pieces and more!  Josh Gumiela, teacher of the CBB workshop Chip to be Square: Build Your Own Synth, very generously donated a “One-of-a-kind Sound Sculpture” for one lucky backer. That’s still available too!

MAJOR thanks to the excellent circuit-bending blog GetLoFi.com for pushing over our $1000 goal. With their very generous contribution, they’ve become an official sponsor of the Ball alongside Yazoo Brewing Company and Brick Factory Nashville. GetLoFi is hosting a U.S. tour in October, featuring Talking Computron and The Ring Toss Twins. They’ll also be selling some of their unique handmade instruments. One of my favorites is the brilliant NES Guitar.

Check the tour schedule to see if they’re coming to a town near you!

Aug 262012

Much to my dismay, I was performing at Cafe Coco last night while Jason Lescalleet, Todd Gerber, and Ephemeral Throne blew minds at Brick Factory Nashville. So I was very happy to learn that Todd recorded his set and posted it on his Soundcloud page! Check it out. It’s fantastic!

Aug 242012

I’m fascinated by tape loops. We experimented with really long tape loops on T.I. episodes Stone in Stream and Attrition. I even attempted to make a slot car tape loop. (Needs refinement.)

So it’s no surprise that I’m excited about tape loop master Jason Lescalleet coming to Brick Factory Nashville, Saturday, August 25th. As Chris Davis writes on the Facebook event page:

Jason Lescalleet is a high level musique concrete artist performing his music on reel-to-reel tape machines. His live performances are a fascinating journey down a rabbithole of sound…one of Lescalleet’s most striking talents is his ability to extract and build upon singular aspects of a sound…a microtonal universe of exploded details. Lescalleet is also an imaginative collaborator, having worked with some of the greatest contemporary sound artists–Aaron Dilloway, Joe Colley, John Hudak, Graham Lambkin, Greg Kelley and Bhob Rainey of nmperign and with Ron Lessard as a member of Due Process.

Watch a video of Jason performing live in Paris at the end of this post.

Also on the bill are lo-fi looper Todd Gerber and Ephemeral Throne, the new project by Aether Jag’s Bridget Venuti and local noisemaker Reid Campbell.

Todd makes ambient loops generated by the legendary Casio SK-1 keyboard. I interviewed him and his brother Tony Gerber on T.I. episode 90. Todd tells me that he won’t be breaking out the SK-1s for this show, but he will be bringing some of his current battery-operated favorites.

Bridget Venuti is a brilliant circuit bender and instrument designer. Check her out on T.I. episode 79.

Jason Lescalleet, Todd Gerber, Ephemeral Throne
Saturday, August 25th, 9pm
$7-$10 suggested donation to touring band

Brick Factory Nashville (inside Cummins Station)
Suite 126
209 10th Ave South
Nashville, TN 37203

Enter street level, walk to center of building
Take Elevator B to lower level
Turn right, you’re there.