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Feb 082013

I just got a tip about an under-the-radar show going on tonight at Casablanca Coffee in the Gulch. Free improv duo Concurrence (bassist Greg Bryant & keyboardist Paul Horton) will be joined by drummer John Westberry. Concurrence recently appeared on Theatre Intangible. Check out that podcast here. John Westbury also appeared on T.I. Check him out here and here.

Concurrence (feat. John Westberry)
Friday, February 8th, 8pm, free
Casablanca Coffee
602 12th Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

Feb 072013

Louisville Experimental Festival
The Louisville Experimental Festival recently announced a call for submissions for the 2013 fest, taking place June 26th – 30th. I was able to attend the fest last year, and I had a blast!

Nashville experimental musicians: please submit to this fest! I’d love to see some of the amazing acts in this city get Louisville exposure. If you are accepted, I can guarantee you will find inspiration in other acts that festival director Douglas Lucas curates. To submit, send the following info to douglasglucas at gmail dot com.

1. Your name(s):
2. Project name:
3. Home city:
4. Project website and link to some of your music (and/or video):
5. Any special requests (equipment, preferred date, etc):

The submission deadline is April 1st, but the sooner you submit, the better.

Douglas also just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the festival. The backer rewards include the ridiculously-good-deal of full festival admission plus poster for $25. Even if you can’t attend, throw some financial support to the best experimental festival in the region.

I interviewed Douglas on episode 82 of Theatre Intangible. We discussed the Louisville Experimental Festival, his experimental solo project Mu, the Kentucky experimental scene, and more. Check it out here.

Feb 072013


beautyofmyland live at Frequency Fridays, 10/05/2012

beautyofmyland live at Frequency Fridays, 10/05/2012

The Fuse Factory
, a Columbus, Ohio based nonprofit arts organization, recently launched a Kickstarter for their 2013 Frequency Fridays season. You might know them as the organizers of the 2012 Columbus Circuit Benders’ Ball. Their latest Kickstarter campaign will go towards bringing cutting edge experimental artists to Columbus, including 2012 Nashville Circuit Benders’ Ball participants Roth Mobot.

Fuse Factory is an incredible organization that should serve as a role model for all hackerspaces and media arts labs. When we organized the 2013 Circuit Benders’ Ball, we used their previous Kickstarters as models.

Please consider donating, and if you find yourself in Columbus, check out the events!

Here are the upcoming Frequency Fridays events:

March 1, 2013
Roth Mobot – Chicago, IL
XAMBUCA – Asheville, NC
Michael Wall – Columbus, OH

April 5, 2013
Controlled Bleeding – Long Island, NY
Jeff Chenault + Michael Shiflet – Columbus, OH
Truus de Groot – San Diego, CA
Bokeh – Bradley, IL

May 3, 2013
Phillipe Petit – Marsailles, FR
Yaktronix – Houston, TX
Glacial Communications – Cleveland, OH
Samuel Hoar – Columbus, OH

June 7, 2013
PAS – Brooklyn, NY
Duet for Theramin and Lap Steel – Atlanta, GA
Central Inhabitants – Columbus, OH
Lon C Diehl – Port Huron, MI

Nov 272012

Concurrence (Paul Horton and Greg Bryant) live on Theatre Intangible.

I’m proud to present Theatre Intangible podcast 92: Concurrence Artist Showcase!

Concurrence is a Nashville jazz improv duo, featuring bassist Greg Bryant and pianist Paul Horton. Greg and Paul are key players in the Nashville jazz and improvisation communities. Greg is one of the organizers of Improv Undergound, a monthly Nashville concert series dedicated to jazz and improvisational music. The series is currently on break, but Greg hopes to bring it back in 2013. Concurrence is gearing up for several live appearances in 2013. I’ll post the dates when they’re announced. You can hear more of Concurrence on their Bandcamp page.

We recorded this episode on November 13th, 2012 in my basement studio. Greg plays bass and percussion. Paul plays Nord Stage 2 keyboard, melodica, samples, and percussion. I mixed live to stereo on a Marantz digital field recorder and mastered the recording in Wavelab 7.

It was an honor to work with Concurrence and to witness the creation of the improvised set you’re about to hear. For more info, check the show notes at theatreintangible.com. And now, here is episode 92: Concurrence Artist Showcase.