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Oct 312014


Joe Nolan at the Nashville Scene has the scoop on this Saturday’s Wedgewood/Houston and downtown art crawls. Check his full report here.

Highlights include Sheila B. at Julia Martin Gallery, Emily Sue Laird at 444 Humphries Pop Up, Greg Pond at Seed Space, and Circuit Benders’ Ball participant Morgan Higby-Flowers at the Packing Plant. See Higby-Flowers’ video installation KVIKA throughout the evening and be there at 8:30 p.m. for a special no-input video mixer live performance.

Also, congratulations go to Emily Sue Laird for being named gallery director at Julia Martin Gallery. She’s one of the best and brightest in Nashville, and I look forward to her future curations.



Oct 302014

Calling all hackers, makers, science nerds, and 3D printing enthusiasts! The newly-rebooted PhreakNIC technology conference kicks off today and runs throughout the weekend. Head on over to the con website to register and check the schedule.

Don’t miss Circuit Benders’ Ball participant Arnie Holder (Abandoned On Fire) give a talk on making music with a Gameboy. I’m also excited about tonight’s listening/call-in party for Over the Edge radio’s Halloween episode (hosted by Negativland’s Don Joyce). Other highlights include presentations on planetarium techhow 3d printers will be the death of us all, starting a hackerspace by a Freeside Atlanta member, and confessions of a Black hat hacker by Alex Berta. And then, for the truly adventurous (and/or brave and/or foolhardy), check out panels on DIY nuclear fusion experiments and 3D-printed gunmaking (yikes). 

It all goes down at the Millenium Maxwell House hotel Thursday, October 30th through Sunday November 2nd.

And now, here’s a video from PhreakNIC 13 of a tesla coil playing the theme to the Addams Family.

PhreakNIC 18
October 30th – November 2nd
@  Millenium Maxwell House
2025 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard

Oct 152014

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Stephen Lackey and crew over at the Culture Smash blog and podcast are launching a film, art, and music festival. The inaugural Culture Smash Nashville festival happens this Friday and Saturday at Miss Jeanne’s Mystery Dinner Theatre. There will be short films, music (including Circuit Benders’ Ball alumni Carl Oliver and Sugar Sk*-*lls), and visual art. I’ll be bringing my 3D printer to print the award for best short film, right there as the festival happens. If you want to know what won, just stand by the printer until it starts in on the text section. 😉

Tickets will be available at the door, $15 for a day pass, $25 for a weekend pass. Stephen gave me a limited number of free tickets to give out. Just e-mail your name and your guests names to cinegeek@gmail.com with the subject heading “Culture Smash Nashville Free Tickets.”

Doors open each night at 6 p.m. Live music kicks off each evening at 6:45 p.m. You can view the full schedule at Culture Smash Nashville.

Oct 152014



The East Nashville underground/horror/exploitation movie series Cult Fiction Underground recently parted ways with Logue’s Black Raven Emporium and moved into a brand new facility at 1048 East Trinity Lane. If you missed their grand reopening celebration October 11th, worry not. They have lots of great Halloween-themed programs for the rest of October. Highlights include Motel Hell, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Bride of Frankenstein, Suspiria, and Return of the Living Dead. Check the full schedule (including comedy, poetry, and Walking Dead nights) at cultfictionunderground.com.