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Dec 112010

DaveX at the 2010 Circuit Benders Ball. Photo by Stephen Zerne. Visuals by Kelli Shay Hix.

DaveX is an experimental composer who also hosts the weekly experimental radio shows It’s Too Damn Early on WDBX and Sounds Like Radio on WSIU, both in Carbondale, Illinois. On todays’s podcast, we talk with Dave about his myriad of projects and play his 2010 Circuit Benders’ Ball set in its entirety. For more DaveX goodness, check out the Theatre Intangible blog interview.

Mentioned in this episode: Southern Illinois Noise Summit, Startling Moniker, Style City, Amy Horvey – Catchment, Monochrome Vision, Luigi Russolo Competition, The Free Players, Last Visible Dog Records, Electric Kitten VomitPublic Eyesore Records.

For more from the 2010 Circuit Benders Ball, check out the ever-expanding Media Repository.

Dec 022010

The Circuit Benders’ Ball went off without a hitch on October 23rd, 2010 at Open Lot in Nashville, Tennessee. This page is a repository of video, audio, and photography from the festival. Check back for new content, and stay tuned for next year’s Circuit Benders’ Ball!

If you’d like to performer at the 2011 Circuit Benders’ Ball, send your info to tony@theatreintangible.com

Audio from the Ball. Right click to save-as or left-click to stream.

Blight Side of Life
Robbie Hunsinger
Jeremy Walker
Thriftsore Boratorium
Ben Marcantel
Tim Kaiser
Theatre Intangible Live Improv w/ Tim Kaiser, Mark Shafer (1/2 Mang from Thriftsore Boratorium), Jeremy Walker, Lola Wilson (AKA Lola Kueune, I Am Pazuzu), and DaveX.

Blight Side of Life started off the night with an hypnotic set, incorporating a bent Nintendo DS. Devin Lamp provided the visuals.

Robbie Hunsinger next took the stage and threw down some incredible Oboe/Wii-mote improvs.


Robbie Hunsinger – Video for Song 4 “Improv”


Burlesque star Freya West wowed the audience with her electronic fan dance. She performed in collaboration with video artist Devin Lamp (Ascent of Everest and Meltface.net) and composer Aaron Doenges (co-founder of the Sound Crawl). The performance featured some of the coolest visuals of the night!


Jeremy Walker creates unconventional instruments by altering found electrical circuits. His collaboration with visual artist Matt Christy was amazing!

Next up, my old co-host DaveX helped Open Lot sell a few pairs of earplugs with his room-shaking noise set. Kelli Shay Hix provided some great visuals.
Cincinnati’s Thriftsore Boratorium brought the crowd outside with their ambitious set. They handed out transistor radios to various audience members. The audience tuned the radios to a signal which was broadcasting the very set they were listening to!
After Thriftsore, Forest Bride’s Ben Marcantel coaxed a lot of sound out of one tiny amplifier! He collaborated on visuals with Austin Alexander.

Northern Illinois’ CMKT4 may have been the audience favorite with their cargo-cult throwdown. They emerged from a smokey sliding van door, and the rest is history!


Tim Kaiser‘s ever-evolving ambient set was really breathtaking. I feel very fortunate to have witnessed his performance (or parts of it, as I was running around organizing the show!). After the set, he took questions from the audience about his amazing hand-made gear.

We ended the night with what may become an annual Benders’ Ball closing ceremony — an improv. Tim Kaiser, Mark Shafer (1/2 Mang from Thriftsore Boratorium), Jeremy Walker, and DaveX all returned, joined by the vocalist Lola Wilson (I Am Pazuzu, A Parade). I did the live mixing. The performers really found each other’s wavelength with some particularly beautiful dances by Tim and Lola. Lola’s knack for on-the-spot melody-making never ceases to amaze me.
Oct 252010
Tim Kaiser at the Circuit Benders Ball

Tim Kaiser live at Circuit Benders’ Ball 2010. Photo by Stephen Zerne.

Yesterday’s Circuit Benders’ Ball at Open Lot was an enormous success. Both workshops were completely filled, and every performance was brilliant in its own unique way. Garbed in tribal space outfits, CMKT4 emerged out of a smoky sliding van door and proceeded to mesmerize the house. Thriftsore Boratorium brought the show out to the loading dock and handed everyone a transistor radio that broadcast the live feed. Tim Kaiser set up his gear on the floor for an intimate and breathtaking ambient performance. Robbie Hunsinger, Blight Side of Life, Ben Marcantell, DaveX, Jeremy Walker, and Freya West were all amazing, as were the many talented visual artists.

For tonight’s podcast, we give you the final performance of the night: Theatre Intangible Live with Tim Kaiser, 1/2 Mang (Thriftsore Boratorium), DaveX, Jeremy Walker, and Lola Wilson (A Parade). Most had never played together and were asked to very quickly pick a single instrument for the performance. The results are quite cohesive, surprising given the performers’ varied styles; unsurprising given their razor-sharp instincts.

I know I promised the Halloween Extravagana 3 this week. That will have to be bumped to next week. For now, enjoy this very fine live set from some of the best benders in the business.

Tim Kaiser — Tim Kaiser builds experimental musical instruments and creates atmospheric sonic landscapes. He has been featured in Make Magazine, Wired, the AP and New Art Examiner. His video, installation and performance art projects have been presented in Germany, Brazil, Sweden, Hong Kong, Cuba, Canada, Philladelphia, New York and Chicago. His instruments are sought after by artists around the world.

Thriftsore Boratorium — Out of Circuitastrophe Cincinnati 08, Karl the junkyardcatalyst and 1/2 Mang decided to start the Thriftsore Boratorium; a lab where people can come and experiment, work, troubleshoot, record, jam, circuit-bend, modify, design, make robots, etc. Thriftsore Boratorium puts their creations to task in their mind-bending live shows. They’re cooking up something special for the Circuit Benders Ball. Check out this great Robotic Barbie Sing-a-Long bend by Boratorium member 1/2 Mang.

Lola Wilson — Co-founder of the Captain Beefheart/Art Bears-inspired A Parade (with T.I. all-star Cody Bottoms) and the experimental solo project I Am Pazuzu, Lola is a singer and songwriter with individuality, depth, and great talent.

DaveX — a certified and licensed raconteur, DaveX is best-known as providing the real-life inspiration for Artax, the depressive horse featured briefly in the 1984 motion picture, “The Neverending Story.” Following his Emmy-nominated voice work on the animated spinoff series, “Artax’s Diner,” DaveX took full credit from his team at Bell Labs for the pioneering invention of various geometric forms. He is currently living off the royalities for the wildly successful “circle,” which he describes as “something like a curvy square.” Ordinary folks are encouraged to listen to a fifteen-minute looping audio biography of DaveX broadcast weekly at WDBX-FM and WSIU-FM on the programs It’s Too Damn Early and Sounds Like Radio. He also runs the experimental music blog Startling Moniker.

Jeremy Walker — His work focuses on reclaiming process, material, and content. Jeremy Walker creates unconventional instruments by altering found electrical circuits. By manipulating the intended function of the circuit, he’s able to emphasize its hidden, organic qualities. Each work is intended to conjure a certain child-like curiosity to investigate, to touch and to learn. By inviting direct interaction between the viewer and sound, Jeremy enables the participant to take the place of performer. Jeremy graduated from Watkins College of Art & Design and is currently enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University to pursue a BFA in Sculpture.

Oct 232010

Circuit Benders Ball at Open Lot Nashville

Now part of the Geek Media Expo. Passholders get in free!

Best Twitter pic from the Ball gets free admission to next year’s Ball! Use hashtag #bendersball

Workshops still have a few slots open! Inquire at the Ball.


With performances by

Tim Kaiser Thriftsore Boratorium CMKT4

Ben Marcantel DaveX Jeremy Walker

Robbie Hunsinger Theatre Intangible LIVE

The Blight Side of Life Freya West Electric Burlesque w/ Score by Aaron Doenges


Visual Art & Video Projections by

Derek Schartung Sabine Schlunk Kelli Shay Hix Austin Alexander Alex Wolfe Anderson Cook Matt Christy Tim Kaiser CMKT4 Patricia Earnhardt Devin Lamp Thriftsore Boratorium William Davis Devin Bell Jeremy Walker Ben Marcantel



Circuit Bending 101 w/ Thriftsore Boratorium

Make Your Own GetLoFi Contact Mic w/ CMKT4


Saturday October 23rd | Workshops 2pm-6pm | Performances 6:30pm -12:30am

All Ages | Festival Pass $10 | Workshops $15 each | Both Workshops + Festival Pass $30

Geek Media Expo Passholders Get In Free!

Open Lot | 1307 Jewell Street | Nashville, TN | 37207

Cancellations: Aether Jag, Mallochio


Schedule of events:  (Note, event times are subject to change.)

F = Front stage (near entrance)
B = Back stage

7:00 Blight Side of Life w/ visuals by Devin Lamp – F
7:30 Robbie Hunsinger – B
8:00 Freya West w/ visuals by Devin Lamp, Score by Aaron Doenges – F
8:15 Jeremy Walker w/ visuals by Matt Christy – F
8:45 CMKT4 – B
9:30 Dave X w/ visuals by Kelli Shay Hix – F
10:00 Tim Kaiser – B
10:45 Ben Marcantel w/ visuals by Austin Alexander and Ben- F
11:15 Thriftsore Boratorium – B
12:00 Theatre Intangible LIVE w/ visuals by William Davis – F


The workshops at the Circuit Benders Ball are for all ages and all skill levels. These classes are a perfect introduction to electronics for children, students, and everyone! The classes have limited seating and will fill up fast. To reserve your spot, send an e-mail to tony@theatreintangible.com. Specify which class(es) you want and how many spots you want to reserve. Special deal: Both workshops plus the festival pass is only $30 (save $10)!


Make Your Own Contact Mic w/ CMKT4 2pm-3:30pm $15

If you’ve ever frequented GetLoFi.com, then you’ve probably seen the famous bottle-cap contact mic. The mic’s creators will guide you in making your own, using their newly unveiled contact mic kit. Purchase additional kits for just $10 and take your creations home with you!


Circuit Bending 101 w/ Cincinatti’s Thriftsore Boratorium 4pm-6pm $10-$15

Don’t know one end of a soldering iron from another? Mark and Karl from the Cincinnati hackerspace Thriftsore Boratorium will show you how to make your electronic toys howl, squelch, sputter, and sing. The workshop is absolutely essential for beginners with enough fresh insights to make it worthwhile for the experienced bender. Learn soldering/bending tips, how to scope our your local thrift stores, what make the best bending candidates, and more. For $15, we will provide all the equipment you need, including components soldering tools. After the workshop, you get to keep your newly-bent bent toy!

Bring your own toy and electronics and pay only $10.


Artist Bios


Tim Kaiser — Tim Kaiser builds experimental musical instruments and creates atmospheric sonic landscapes. He has been featured in Make Magazine, Wired, the AP and New Art Examiner. His video, installation and performance art projects have been presented in Germany, Brazil, Sweden, Hong Kong, Cuba, Canada, Philladelphia, New York and Chicago. His instruments are sought after by artists around the world.


Thriftsore Boratorium — Out of Circuitastrophe Cincinnati 08, Karl the junkyardcatalyst and 1/2 Mang decided to start the Thriftsore Boratorium; a lab where people can come and experiment, work, troubleshoot, record, jam, circuit-bend, modify, design, make robots, etc. Thriftsore Boratorium puts their creations to task in their mind-bending live shows. They’re cooking up something special for the Circuit Benders Ball. Check out this great Robotic Barbie Sing-a-Long bend by Boratorium member 1/2 Mang.


CMKT4 — Members Creme Dementia, Zach Adams, and Jeff Cox tour the country with their circuit-bent rock n’ roll. For the Circuit Benders Ball, they’re doing a very special experimental circuit-bent set. Check out Creme Dementia’s articles on GetLoFi.com.


Ben Marcantel — Co-founder of  the critically-lauded Nashville ambient experimental band Forrest Bride, Ben is a multi-instrumentalist, maker, and video artist. Ben will be performing a circuit bent solo set in addition to providing visuals for Malochio. Above video features music by Cortney Tidwell and animation/direction by Ben Marcantel.


DaveX — a certified and licensed raconteur, DaveX is best-known as providing the real-life inspiration for Artax, the depressive horse featured briefly in the 1984 motion picture, “The Neverending Story.” Following his Emmy-nominated voice work on the animated spinoff series, “Artax’s Diner,” DaveX took full credit from his team at Bell Labs for the pioneering invention of various geometric forms. He is currently living off the royalities for the wildly successful “circle,” which he describes as “something like a curvy square.” Ordinary folks are encouraged to listen to a fifteen-minute looping audio biography of DaveX broadcast weekly at WDBX-FM and WSIU-FM on the programs It’s Too Damn Early and Sounds Like Radio. He also runs the experimental music blog Startling Moniker.


Jeremy Walker — His work focuses on reclaiming process, material, and content. Jeremy Walker creates unconventional instruments by altering found electrical circuits. By manipulating the intended function of the circuit, he’s able to emphasize its hidden, organic qualities. Each work is intended to conjure a certain child-like curiosity to investigate, to touch and to learn. By inviting direct interaction between the viewer and sound, Jeremy enables the participant to take the place of performer. Jeremy graduated from Watkins College of Art & Design and is currently enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University to pursue a BFA in Sculpture.


Robbie Hunsinger — Professional classical oboist turned avant-garde improvisor/composer/artist exploring circuit bending and interactive computer  art. Projects include Trio album with Joseph Jarman and Tatsu Aoki, Grammy Winner “The Wooden Prince” with The Chicago Symphony, and several multimedia installations with architect Douglas Garofalo.

Freya West Electric Burlesque — Miss West will be performing a multi-media electronic fan dance in collaboration with video artist Devin Lamp (Ascent of Everest and Meltface.net) and composer Aaron Doenges (co-founder of the Sound Crawl). We are proud to premier this piece! The explorer exotica, Freya West was raised by gypsy bandits traveling the world in search of the perfect art. Freya found hers in the realm of ecydsiasts. A Nashville resident, Freya has performed internationally, traveling to local troupes in the South and Midwest and at the 2010 Dallas, Colorado, and Toronto Burlesque Festivals. When not performing, Freya can be found browsing old bookstores while sneaking sips of whiskey from her hip flask and drafting sordid love affairs on cocktail napkins.

Sabine Schlunk — Sabine is a visual artist hailing from East Germany. She lived between Berlin and a small village, and thus her work contrasts nature and civilization. Sabine’s art includes objects and installations and stages/costumes for performance art. Her work has shown in Berlin, Puerto Rico, Italy, Spain, France, and Korea. She studied Art in Schneeberg/ former East Germay and after the wall at the University of Arts in West Berlin. She now resides in Nashville where she is the founder and director of Gallery F at the Scarritt Bennett Center.

Kelli Shay Hix — Kelli is a musician, visual artist, filmmaker, and archivist by trade. She’s co-founder of the acclaimed Nashville bands Lylas and Styches. Kelli will be providing visuals for DaveX’s performance. She directed the above video for Lylas.

Austin Alexander —  Nashville based artist Austin Alexander has been collaborating locally and internationally via his writing, photography, video, and music performance for seven years. Austin currently writes and edits for Styx Forlag, a Swedish art and experimental literature publisher in Stockholm, and is one half of a local video art production, Alexander Henriksen, with Alcamy Henriksen.


Alex Wolfe — Engineer, photographer, and robot-builder, Alex Wolfe will be displaying his lovingly-rendered photographs of vacuum tubes, gears, and other mechanical/electronic components.


Anderson Cook — Co-founder of the Nashville noise-punk band Ortolan, Anderson Cook also creates haunting, textural black & white images, which will be on display at the Ball.


Matt Christy — After Graduating with a Bachelors degree in fine arts from Watkins College of Art and Design in 2007, Matt Christy began exhibiting his work in and around Nashville. He has exhibited at the University of the South and Twist Gallery. He is also an artist in residence with Gallery F in Nashville. Matt will be providing visuals for Jeremy Walker’s performance as well as displaying art in the gallery show.

Devin Lamp — Devin is a musician, video artist, and producer based out of Nashville. He has designed and performed dynamic live video projections for such bands as the Protomen, Jason Isabell and The 400 unit, Dumpstafunk, Blitzen Trapper and countless others. He’s member of a number of local acts including the Ascent of Everest, Evil Bebos, and the Baby Teeth Thieves for which he plays, produces, and creates dynamic live video art. He also manages meltface.net which is the center for Meltface Records, studios, and video destruction.