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Dec 192013
Still from Age video "0vent" https://vimeo.com/57746407

Still from Age video 0vent .

Here’s Theatre Intangible podcast 107: Age Artist showcase, recorded on March 30th, 2013.

Age is the “horizontal sound composition process” of Josh Gumiela and Luke Rainey, and it’s based around a very innovative technique. One artist presents a sound. The other samples that sound and alters it in some way – perhaps speeding it up, slowing it down, degrading it, or chopping it up. The first artist then samples the altered sound. The other artist then samples the altered altered sound. And so on. Soon the sound becomes unrecognizable and the improv progresses in an indeterminate direction, much like the pointer of a Ouija board.

Age performed this improv in the afternoon. They left their gear set up and performed live later in the evening as a part of a lineup also including Brady Sharp and Lyrebird. I also recorded Age’s live performance, and you can download it here.

Dec 162013


It’s my pleasure to announce the date and location for the 2014 Nashville Circuit Benders’ Ball. The biennial daylong festival celebrating hardware hacking, art, music and the creative spirit will take place at Fort Houston on Saturday, April 12th, 2014. The 2012 Ball took place at Brick Factory, Fort Houston’s previous location and moniker, and we’re pleased to be partnering with them again. 2010 and 2012 art directors Megan Kelley and Stephen Zerne return for 2014. 2012 participant Josh Gumiela and Brighton, England noise artist and promoter Geo Leonard will chair the event with me.

We’re working hard preparing the CBB website, call for artists, Kickstarter campaign and more. Stay tuned to Theatre Intangible for more Ball announcements in the coming weeks!

Nov 262013

My 13 week work project ended five weeks early, which means I finally had time to finish editing the Bring Your Own Beamer Nashville highlight video, posted below. I’m also including pictures from the show and links to some of the short films screened. If you’re one of the artists and your video is online, send me the link and I’ll post it.


Bring Your Own Beamer Nashville #2
September 7th, 2013 at Track One
Part of Arts & Music @ Wedgewood/Houston

Organized by Tony Youngblood

Mika Agari
Tim Carey
Liz Clayton Scofield
Dylan Ethier
Rhendi Greenwell
Josh Gumiela
Michael Hampton
Morgan Higby-Flowers
Megan Kelley & Stephen Zerne
Devin Lamp
Sarah McDonald
Brian Miles, Scott Sanders & Dave Shambam (Dig Deep Light Show)
Chris Murray
Antonia Oakes
Bill Vincent
Tony Youngblood

Works from the show:
Liz Clayton-Scofield It’s Not Terrible But I Don’t Like It
Josh Gumiela Untitled (Work in Progress)
Michael Hampton That’s All Folks

Footage of the show:
Devin Lamp
Tyler Blankenship
Skipp Frazier

The original Bring Your Own Beamer Nashville was organized by Adan De La Garza. It took place on April 27th, 2013 at Chestnut Square.

BYOB is an idea by Rafaël Rozendaal. The first edition of BYOB was initiated by Anne de Vries & Rafael Rozendaal in Berlin.


Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2


Nov 212013

Future Night

Mike Kluge’s incredible electronic art and music series Future Night is happening again on Saturday, November 23rd at Boheme Collectif. The show includes new art installations by Theatre Intangible participants Zach Adams (CMKT4, Nashville Robotic Philharmonic), Josh GumielaRobbie Lynn Hunsinger, Ryan HoganDevin LampMorgan Higby-Flowers and Tyler Blankenship. The Watkins University Company H artist collective will also exhibit works.

The music lineup features underground legend R. Stevie Moore, the talented experimental artist Dylan Ethier, the electronic rock band Nudity (who are finally getting the national exposure they deserve), Devin Lamp’s immersive 8-piece orchestral rock band The Ascent of Everest and the four-piece rock band Chalaxy.

If you happen to be a Facebook user, you can RSVP and find out more on the Facebook event page.

Here’s a video of the installations at a previous Future Night:

Future Night
Saturday, November 23rd, 2013, 7 p.m.
$5, BYOB

@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave, Nashville, TN

Park in the Boheme lot or at Hairworld next door.