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Nov 212013

Future Night

Mike Kluge’s incredible electronic art and music series Future Night is happening again on Saturday, November 23rd at Boheme Collectif. The show includes new art installations by Theatre Intangible participants Zach Adams (CMKT4, Nashville Robotic Philharmonic), Josh GumielaRobbie Lynn Hunsinger, Ryan HoganDevin LampMorgan Higby-Flowers and Tyler Blankenship. The Watkins University Company H artist collective will also exhibit works.

The music lineup features underground legend R. Stevie Moore, the talented experimental artist Dylan Ethier, the electronic rock band Nudity (who are finally getting the national exposure they deserve), Devin Lamp’s immersive 8-piece orchestral rock band The Ascent of Everest and the four-piece rock band Chalaxy.

If you happen to be a Facebook user, you can RSVP and find out more on the Facebook event page.

Here’s a video of the installations at a previous Future Night:

Future Night
Saturday, November 23rd, 2013, 7 p.m.
$5, BYOB

@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave, Nashville, TN

Park in the Boheme lot or at Hairworld next door.

Sep 272013


If you catch the 7 p.m. Joo Won Park Indeterminacies show at Zeitgeist, you should have plenty of time to make it to Boheme Collectif at 9 p.m. for Mike Kluge’s latest installment of Future Night, an experimental art and music showcase.

Mike Kluge (my partner for ON/OFF @ Arts & Music @ Wedgewood/Houston) curates a Future Night every other month at Boheme Collectif. The shows feature wonderful bands and amazing interactive art installations. Check the below video to see some of the art featured at the previous Future Night.

This round features music from Circuit Benders’ Ball alum Brain Lesion (Andrew Morrill) as well as Linear DownfallMeth DadRoboctopus and DotcomDigDeep LightShow will provide real-time overhead-projector visuals.

Boheme Collectif will be filled with art installations from Tyler BlankenshipZach Adams (CMKT4), Rhendi GreenwellRussell WhiteBrains Bailey, and Morgan Higby-Flowers.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Future Night
Friday, September 27th, 9 p.m., $5, byob

@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave., Suite 8
Nashville, Tennessee 37206

Jul 082013
Tyler Blankenship's sound sculpture. Photo by Sarah McDonald. sarahmcdonald.net

Tyler Blankenship’s sound sculpture. Photo by Sarah McDonald.

Last Friday’s Future Night at Boheme Collectif may not have had as many interactive installations as originally planned (only four of the eight artists I listed here presented), but luckily, what they did have was amazing. I recorded some video of the installations with my Samsung Note phone and compiled it into a YouTube video. Check it out below.

Featuring the works of (in chronological order)

Part of Mike Kluge’s Future Night: Experimental Art & Music Showcase, July 5th, 2013 at Boheme Collectif in Nashville, TN.

Jul 032013

Future Night Flyer Boheme Collectif

Mike Kluge’s FUTURE NIGHT this Friday at Boheme Collectif promises to the best of the series so far. Of particular interest to Theatre Intangible listeners and Circuit Benders’ Ball fans is the Electric Petting Zoo, an interactive art gallery from Noon to 6pm.

The petting zoo features T.I. participants and Benders’ Ball alums such as Andrew Morrill, Zach Adams, Josh Gumiela, and Morgan Higby-Flowers. Here’s the full list of interactive artist:

  • Zach Adams (CMKT4, Nashville Robotic Philharmonic): Circuit-bent installation.
  • Brains Bayley: Trippy kaleidoscope installation.
  • Tyler Blankenship: Large silver sound-and-light emitting pyramid.
  • Josh Gumiela: Interactive audio/visual install. Mike Kluge says, “Trust me, you will want to see it!”
  • Linda Heck : Something involving mics inserted into stuffed animals.
  • Morgan Higby-Flowers: I’m not sure what he has planned for the installation, but if it’s as half as cool as what he did at Noa Noa Experimental Series #2, then I’m sold.
  • Andrew Morrill (Brain Lesion): Noise circuits.
  • Russ White: Reactive sound-and-color organ.

At 8pm the music begins, featuring Sacramento, California band Pregnant. This band is doing extremely innovative things under the guise of pop music, and I can’t wait to see them live. Check out their video below. They remind me a bit of Bird NamestUnE-yArDs, and Solex.

Also on the bill is the aforementioned Morgan Higby-Flowers and master DJ / friend of Theatre Intangible Quiet Entertainer.

The full list of performers:

For more info, check out the Facebook event page.

FUTURE NIGHT Experimental Art and Music Showcase
July 5th, 2013
12pm-6pm gallery, 8pm performances
byob, $8 (gallery and show) $5 (gallery) $5 (show). Click here for tickets.
@ Boheme Collectif
919 Gallatin Ave, Space 8, Nashville, TN, 37206