There are two great art happenings tonight, and it’s killing me that I can’t attend both.
The first is a Watkins opening reception for two of its new faculty members, Fine Art chair Kristi Hargrove and Fine Art assistant professor Morgan Higby-Flowers. The show “Monsters, Prophets, Sinners & Tourists” is open tonight from 5:30pm to 8pm.
According to the Watkins event page, Hargrove will “present a collection of work across disciplines, from the series ‘Playing with the Pause.’ Her studio practice is primarily drawing, but includes investigations into other media such as photography, sculpture and installation.” Higby-Flowers, who has performed at Noa Noa, Boheme Collectif, and the Wedgewood/Houston ON/OFF exhibit, is “exhibiting a single channel video entitled ‘Timonds are [not] Forever,’ captured in realtime via a self-contained analog system using a Sandin Image Processor, video mixer, camera and CRT television.”
As a part of the Clarksville First Thursday Downtown Art Walk, Austin Peay professor Josh Gumiela is presenting a NO MEDIA event.
The concept:
Participating artists are randomly matched in sets of 3 && given 10mins to perform. NO MEDIA aims to bring together artists from a broad range of performable disciplines (poets + dancers + expanded cinemaistas + free jazzers + audio/video noise makers + etc) to challenge the conventions of their practice by responding in realtime to artists from other disciplines.
The Rules:
No Media At The Beginning!
[NO preparation is allowed. Bring your tools, devices, instruments, props, etc., but you’ve got to start with a blank slate. NO time will be allotted for ‘setup’. There will be a 2min turn around time where you can carry your stuff up and meet your collaborators]
No Media At The End!
[NO documentation allowed. It happens once && in realtime.]
Today Josh sent out the final details for the show, which I am including below. He’s appeared on several Theatre Intangible episodes and has exhibited work at Future Night, The Circuit Benders’ Ball, and the Wedgewood/Houston ON/OFF exhibit.
I’ll be performing at tonight’s NO MEDIA event, armed with an SK-1 keyboard. It should be a blast!
The when and where:Thu Sept 5, 6pm – 8pm
Please arrive by 6pm in order to be entered into the pool of performers.
124 Strawberry Lane
Clarksville, TN 37040
The Rules:
This is important. Be sure you review the rules of the event before you arrive, they will be strictly enforced:
The Equipment:
There will be a PA, mixer, and one video projector available. We will also have power outlets available near the performance area. That’s it. Bring all cables/wires/misc. tech required for your performance.
The Performers:
You! And anyone else you can bring along to participate. We need as many performers as possible in order for this to be a success. Absolutely anyone is welcome. This is a safe place to take risks and experiment. No documentation is allowed so there’s no worry that your performance will be captured on YouTube or Facebook for all of eternity. Assume that most, if not all of us, will fail in epic fashion. And that’s totally okay. Actually, it’s kinda the point.